Vivi // At Four Years

The triumphant return of Vivi! This is our third year (year one, year two) documenting this adorable little girl as she runs around parks and picks up every stick she can find. We don’t pose her, but rather just follow her around as she picks up sticks, uses them as reindeer antlers, and then runs up a hill as fast as she can to find yet another stick. This year she recognized us and talked a ton, and I threatened to steal her cat boots on more than one occasion. I also showed her pictures of our cats on my phone because little kids are a great captive audience and I will talk to anyone willing to listen about our cats. She danced, played air guitar and jumped.

Vivi is less into turning every single doorknob this year, and more into hiding behind lamp posts. She still likes to make a run for all spots of potentially poisonous plants, but this year also added a literal hives of bees to her repertoire of things she really, really wants to play with. Vivi also finally gave us her opinions on Star Wars this year (she doesn’t like Chewbacca). However, her parents quickly debunked her statements (she does like Chewbacca). She buried a seed this year (I have no idea what was planted), and was curious about every bird house. Rocking chairs and porch steps are still a favorite (glad to see some things don’t change). Vivi is one of our very favorite clients, not only because the session can literally go anywhere Vivi takes us (it’s her world, we are just living in it), but also because it gives me much needed cardio since she runs full tilt for the majority of the time. THOSE CAT BOOTS THOUGH.

At Home with John+Anna.

We have been so lucky over the past few years to gain some family portrait clients who make us feel like we’re part of their own family and we just love them so so much that we could squeeze them all to pieces. This is one of those families. Last year we met Anna, John, their daughter Lou, and their pup Keva, and they ran around and we photographed them being adorable. Lou was talkative to her parents, but was semi skeptical of us as most two year olds are (why are these people in my house?).

Fast forward a year and a half, and we suddenly and inexplicably gained all of Lou’s trust, and she immediately launched into a detailed speech regarding tigers, dinosaurs, and pajamas with feet upon our arrival. She sometimes prefers to eat breakfast while wearing a helmet, and insisted on having a temporary tattoo to match Mr. Geoff’s real tattoo. She also has a new little brother, Gus, who is just as friendly, only without words. He prefers spending his time chewing on giraffes and smiling happily at everyone.

We crashed Matchbox cars! We made pretend nighttime with a tent! We gave a full sleeve of temporary tattoos to a 3 year old! At some point a very scary monkey also made an appearance, and we might’ve asked if John and Anna would give us ice cream (they did). It was the best day.

Also, if you’re curious, Anna is a professional illustrator and does some pretty rad artwork of adorable kids and pigs and once drew a picture of myself, Geoff, and our two cats riding in a Viking ship.


We welcome this awesome family to North Carolina from upstate New York with open arms! They are a pretty rad addition to the area and we’re happy to help them come in from the snow. ;) We met them on a sunny weekend morning at their house to photograph them going about their usual business. They moved into the house with the idea of a complete renovation, and it’s become kind of a fun project for them (I’m not sure if they’d use the word “fun” as they’re doing the work themselves, but I kind of love house projects, so I say it looks like fun. Note: This is not an offer of free labor, Jessica and Ron). They’re doing the work as they go and wanted to document this part of their lives in transition, as well as their new move from the north. They’ve already built a pretty fabulous chicken coop in their yard for fresh eggs, and are making full use of the best tire swing ever in their beautifully wooded front yard.

This session gave us the opportunity to meet our first Bullmastiff clients, Lucy and Rudy, who are quite large but not at all fearsome. Lucy is the larger of the two, and she is Rudy’s aunt. Rudy, the “smaller” Bullmastiff, is 4 months old. Go ahead and look at him. He’s four. months. old. He’s already 75% of my bodyweight. Liam can ride the larger dog like a small horse. They’ve commandeered the two giant bean bag chairs in the family room that were meant for the kids, but they look really adorable sleeping in them so nobody cares. The kids are pretty great themselves and spend their time playing video games, wrestling the dogs, painting, and drawing. Lila, slightly unhappy with the candid direction of the shoot, took over the session at the end and started directing everyone into a variety of very dramatic poses in front of the fireplace. Look for her directorial movie debut in about fifteen years.