Next year our clean-shaven wedding clients are heavily outnumbered by our bearded ones, and within those bearded ones we have two very super ginger-bearded grooms. Dana, this week’s ginger-bearded groom, even realized that he had a ginger-bearded counterpart from our blog before we discussed it at their consult. Someday I’ll have them meet and their worlds will explode, but we’ll photograph their weddings before that happens first… just in case. We are also inundated with Carolines and Carolyns this year! And by “inundated” I really mean “we’ve had 3 people with the name Carolyn or Caroline,” but it’s still very impressive since we haven’t had any in the past. And we could not be happier that this particular ginger-bearded groom and this particular Caroline are also part of our team. We love them a lot, and they are very, very good at karate and wearing disguises. Very, very good.

say nice things