taken after an obviously vigorous game of tennis. and by “obviously vigorous” i mean, “we went to millbrook exchange park for like an hour, played one set and one game (all of which i lost miserably), until i gave up and said, ‘hey, let’s go home, make tortellini, and watch 24.'” we then took this shot and left. :)
say nice things
so i realized yesterday that in blogging about tamyra and darius i kind of forgot about doing my project 365…so, um, i’m just kind of going to overlook that and continue with day 43 today. maybe i’ll make it up someday. :)
this is me:
this is my view after locking my keys inside my car during a consult at the triangle town center caribou:
and these are my only friends for the afternoon: a mint snowdrift from caribou, and my trusty droid. thank goodness for smart phones. it’s like having a person in your pocket named “the internet.”
it was one of those days.