These guys! They like The Walking Dead and and Science Fiction and cookies from Cocoa Cinnamon and Durham and skipping. Their wedding will be in Scotland next year and we’re going to shrink ourselves really tiny and get into their suitcases and go with them unannounced and then BOOM!!! …show up in Scotland and regain our normal size and photograph their wedding in kilts and our best accents because they’re pretty great. Heather started the Not in Sight Gallery that brings together and showcases artists with disabilities. Logan is a fantastically talented local illustrator and designer. Together they’re pretty goofy and make a lot of silly faces and do a lot of karate moves. When we approached them for the first time, we found them outside our designated meeting space doing the Miss Mary Mack clapping game and then started talking to us about Pogs. They describe our target demographic.
*P.S. Thank you to Letters Bookshop for giving us permission to shoot in your wonderful store!