Min and Clemann like Legos, math, science, museums, eating, baking, and movies. I’m particularly bad at math and science, but have a deep appreciation for eating as well as Legos and movies. Plus, Geoff makes up for it all with a solid understanding of science and math that I completely lack, so we were able to have some good conversations with Min and Clemann despite them being a lot smarter than us. :)
These guys are originally from Singapore and met during orientation for their engineering-related Masters at Duke, where they were 2 out of 3 Singaporeans that year. :) Turns out that they also live only a few minutes away from each other in Singapore, which Geoff and I thought an adorable coincidence, but it turns out that the whole island is only really 30 minutes across, so it’s not that big of a coincidence after all. ;) Min’s background is biomedical engineering, but she switched to medicine and just completed her 4-week elective at Duke Hospital (she hopes to go into pediatric medicine). Clemann’s background is aeronautical engineering where he worked for Singapore Airlines, but he has since switched to building offshore rigs where he gets a lot of satisfaction seeing his work result in a tangible structure.
They loved their graduate time and experience at Duke, so while Clemann’s been living back in Singapore for the last three years, he flew back to Durham to get some pre-wedding photos taken with Min on Duke’s campus and some special places for them around the city. Afterward, they were doing some traveling to Seattle and San Francisco, and then will both return to Singapore where they’ll get married in June. :) We had a great time seeing these two adorable, fun-loving people spend some time on their favorite campus and revisit some old spots. We wish them all the best with their wedding and lives in Singapore!