good day, sunshine.
for my sister, laura, and her undying love of fuzzy dandelion pictures. :)

good day, sunshine.
for my sister, laura, and her undying love of fuzzy dandelion pictures. :)
spent most of last night being sick. :( didn’t have anything to do today, so i just pretty much laid around the house. it was 60+ degrees out but i couldn’t really bring myself to go out and take pictures on my steady diet of kool-aid and rice, so i decided to choose a subject from around the house. today = darth vader. he’s ceramic and, for reasons that escape my understanding, was inserted with one of those giant 1970s christmas bulbs when he was made that causes him to light up different colors every second or so. he’s a vintage little guy but i’m not sure from what year he was made. i found him in a comic shop in johnstown, pa a few years ago and bought him for geoff. he sits by the TV looking half menacing/half holiday cheer.
holiday cheer:
for those of you who live in the raleigh/durham area, you should know that locopops is the best popsicle place ever. if you haven’t yet experienced the joy, you should get there as quickly as possible. before i moved to raleigh, i didn’t even know that someplace like this might even exist where common and bizarre ingredients are mixed together to create the best tasting thing that $2.50 can buy. i am in love.
carolyn scott photography’s favorite flavors: chocolate brownie, mojito, cherry lime, pomegranate tangerine, and today’s guest star that stole my heart: thin mint. ::sigh::