“Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria!”
Ladies and gentlemen readers of the CSP blog, I present to you a mix of the most hot-mess of a dysfunctional family (pet) portraits I’ve ever done and the cutest pictures ever. It’s a strange combo, I know, but then again – so are Fluffhead and Mukluk. I won’t spend a long time explaining, but long story short, our one and only Alaskan Kate moved a few months ago and acquired a most wonderful roommate named Lindsay. Alaskan Kate moved with her cat Mukluk (my adopted nephew-cat), and Fluffhead is Lindsay’s dog. Little did they know that not only would Kate and Lindsay get along infamously well, but so would their pets. Now the most inseparable odd couple is the cutest pair of furballs on the blog and probably in the world.
So happy birthday, Lindsay! I hope these make you smile! I want to steal your dog, but it’s probably easier just to come over and visit. So without further ado – FLUFF+MUK:

Before I met Fluff, I wasn’t sure where I stood on tiny furry white dogs with tiny little barks. Now I am obsessed. Look at that face.

Little Muk wanted to pose with Kate’s drawing cat. This was the extend of Mukluk’s posing. He is his own cat and does his own thing. He likes you, but sometimes he couldn’t really care less. He’s kinda The Dude of cats.

Mukluk’s face is one of priceless irritability here. I love you, Muk.

1st picture: Fight!
2nd picture: Fight!
3rd picture: What? We are totally innocent.

I love you, Fluff and Muk!