Aleigh and Joe are the bee’s knees and now they have this little ham of an old man son who already enjoys sitting on a good stoop and listening to his radio like it’s 1935. He would ask for his little radio (a Yoto player), then sit on the edge of his Nugget cushion with his hands folded, deep in thought and contemplation. Then he’d yell for someone to play Do You Know the Muffin Man again the second it ended. All we need is a cigar and maybe a newsboy hat. I imagine that he’s probably a reincarnated New Yorker. When he’s not doing that, he’s laughing wildly while playing peek-a-boo, putting 500 Cheez-Its into his mouth at once, and deliberately pouring out bottles of bubble solution onto the sidewalk. Half toddler, half 85 year old man. It was so good to photograph these guys in their beautiful home.