Nicolette and Tom love the countryside. And because we love Nicolette and Tom, we put on our bug spray and tick repellent and braved the high grass of a private farm in Pittsboro with only moderate bug anxiety. It was hot and humid and I did find a couple of ticks on me (bonus points: only reacted with mild shrieking and was able to get them off before they bit me), but these guys are so freaking adorable that it didn’t much matter. I’m convinced you could place Nicolette and Tom in front of a scene of terrible destruction and mayhem, and they’d make it look really good. Nicolette is currently living in Connecticut where she’s a songwriter and musician with her sisters, and Tom is currently stationed in NC with the Marine Corps. After they get married they plan on possibly moving to Nashville, eventually, where they’ll up the attractiveness level in Tennessee by 25,000 points.
Joe captured Geoff’s heart by being radically obsessed with the Smashing Pumpkins to the same exact degree as Geoff himself, and Sara captured my heart by showing up to our consultation with a side shave haircut that I was also sporting at the time. Since then we’ve liked them a whole lot, and nothing that they do makes us like them less, just more, so our liking them increases all the time. They had succulents at their wedding! And Sara wore cute mint green wedding shoes! And there was dry lavender all over the place that I think they secretly chose for me so I could breathe deeply in whenever I needed to relax. Their friend Brittini made me delicious gluten-free cupcakes and they danced to REM… and Hanson. Then Joe found out that a former member of the Smashing Pumpkins has since joined a band with the rest of Hanson, and Joe’s head exploded, and we went home.
- Date: April 4, 2015
- Ceremony and Reception Venue: Snipes Farm Retreat // Chapel Hill, NC
- First Dance: “At My Most Beautiful” – R.E.M.
- Sara’s Occupation: Works for a publishing company in Durham
- Joe’s Occupation: Paralegal for a law firm in Raleigh (but in August 2015 he will transform into a law student!)
- How You Met: In astronomy lab/singing karaoke (both in Chapel Hill)
- Interesting Fact: We once took an overnight road trip to Philadelphia specifically to run up the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art a la Rocky but Kanye West was playing a show there that night and had built a stage, blocking said steps from the public (this is the second time this has happened to Sara).
- Honeymoon: Los Angeles, California
- Vendor Credits: Officiant – Rev. Robin Renteria | Cake – Lisa Clifton | Caterer – Nantucket Grill | Emcees – Brooke Watson and Eliza Biswas (Joe’s coworkers) | Ceremony flowers – Paula Jean’s Garden on Etsy | Succulents – The Succulent Source (also on Etsy) | Gluten-free cupcakes – Brittini Harbin (Joe’s friend)
Min and Clemann like Legos, math, science, museums, eating, baking, and movies. I’m particularly bad at math and science, but have a deep appreciation for eating as well as Legos and movies. Plus, Geoff makes up for it all with a solid understanding of science and math that I completely lack, so we were able to have some good conversations with Min and Clemann despite them being a lot smarter than us. :)
These guys are originally from Singapore and met during orientation for their engineering-related Masters at Duke, where they were 2 out of 3 Singaporeans that year. :) Turns out that they also live only a few minutes away from each other in Singapore, which Geoff and I thought an adorable coincidence, but it turns out that the whole island is only really 30 minutes across, so it’s not that big of a coincidence after all. ;) Min’s background is biomedical engineering, but she switched to medicine and just completed her 4-week elective at Duke Hospital (she hopes to go into pediatric medicine). Clemann’s background is aeronautical engineering where he worked for Singapore Airlines, but he has since switched to building offshore rigs where he gets a lot of satisfaction seeing his work result in a tangible structure.
They loved their graduate time and experience at Duke, so while Clemann’s been living back in Singapore for the last three years, he flew back to Durham to get some pre-wedding photos taken with Min on Duke’s campus and some special places for them around the city. Afterward, they were doing some traveling to Seattle and San Francisco, and then will both return to Singapore where they’ll get married in June. :) We had a great time seeing these two adorable, fun-loving people spend some time on their favorite campus and revisit some old spots. We wish them all the best with their wedding and lives in Singapore!