- Newborn portraits Raleigh NC
- Newborn portraits Raleigh NC
- Newborn portraits Raleigh NC
- Newborn portraits Raleigh NC
- Newborn portraits Raleigh NC
- Newborn portraits Raleigh NC
- Newborn portraits Raleigh NC
- Newborn portraits Raleigh NC
- Newborn portraits Raleigh NC
- Newborn portraits Raleigh NC
- Newborn portraits Raleigh NC
- Newborn portraits Raleigh NC
- Newborn portraits Raleigh NC
- Newborn portraits Raleigh NC
- Newborn portraits Raleigh NC
- Newborn portraits Raleigh NC
- Newborn portraits Raleigh NC
- Newborn portraits Raleigh NC
- Newborn portraits Raleigh NC
- Newborn portraits Raleigh NC
- Newborn portraits Raleigh NC
- Newborn portraits Raleigh NC
We are so excited to introduce you all to Lauren and Michael, and their newborn son Harrison, who is stunning and handsome and wears a lot of hats (not like, in the figurative sense where he has a lot of different roles to play, but rather in the literal sense that he actually does wear a lot of hats). Michael is Kevin’s cousin, and we were so honored to do more work for this awesome family and get to know him and Lauren better (and also their loudly purring cat named Topanga *cue Boy Meets World song*). So they had us over one rainy day shortly after Harrison was born to take pictures of his tiny self in his many hats hanging out with his family and his grandparents. And everything was well and good until it started rainy incredibly hard and got so ridiculously dark that we had to come back a different day when it was brighter to retake some of the photos so they weren’t so gloomy and daaaaark. So if it looks like the set above was taken on two different days, that’s because it was. The good news is that Harrison decided to sleep the second time we were there (yay!) so it was a win-win for sunshine and sleepiness. :)