spiderweb shots never get old. :)
i know it’s total overkill on the naturey stuff lately, but i’m really happy that we’re officially done with winter on saturday. :) 76 degrees and sunny, a wonderful day for my first spring engagement shoot of the year!
in CSP news: we’re super excited to start offering leather (and vegan alternative) bound flush-mount albums in addition to coffee table books. :) we’ll have more information on this as soon as we get the sample albums in (should be a couple weeks). at that point i’ll post some photographs and better explain myself, but until then check out the pricing page for more details. :)
had one of those days where things are really awesome, then really crappy, then swing back to awesome then fall back down to pretty good…and in the end, you’re just really exhausted. maybe i should try sleeping in one of metal & wood pink things.