Some of you might remember Wrigley from Lori+Hassan’s engagement session back in January! Wrigley, a little Jack Russell Terrier, is an adddorable bundle of energy the love of this couple’s life! So Lori, a very faithful and wonderful client of mine, wanted to surprise Hassan with a session of Wrigley for his birthday on May 3rd. :) So we took these back in the verrry beginning of March (which is why these photographs look a little more wintery than recent) and I’ve been waiting to share them with you! But Lori broke a few days before Hassan’s birthday and showed them to him early, so I’ve been given permission to blog them now, hehehe.
So here’s Wrigley! Wrigley enjoys her green polka dot ball, cheering for UNC, and dancing around in her tutu. She is the most lovable energenic bundle of cuteness!! And for your information, Wrigley is named after Wrigley Field, as Hassan is a big Cubbies (and baseball!) fan.

Surprisingly, Wrigley isn’t motivated by treats. She was more motivated by this little polka dot ball, so I’d have to play tug of war with her in order for her to cooperate for the camera. But I was more than willing since she’s such a sweetheart! And I’d much rather take pictures of doggies doing their own thing than forcing them to sit still and pose. :)

Best. Picture. Ever.

Happy (early) birthday, Hassan!!! We hope it is a good one!! :) :)