photographs and polaroids of the kittens have become a staple on every holiday card geoff and i send out. for valentine’s day, the kittens dawned cardstock heart necklaces and posed for a few moments before dolfy viciously ripped his to shreds. buckles continued to be precious and wear his wherever he went, completely unaware of its presence.
photographs and polaroids of the kittens have become a staple on every holiday card geoff and i send out. for valentine’s day, the kittens dawned cardstock heart necklaces and posed for a few moments before dolfy viciously ripped his to shreds. buckles continued to be precious and wear his wherever he went, completely unaware of its presence.

“what necklace?”
i’ve been playing around with different techniques during the day when i get sick of sitting in front of the computer. buckles is usually passed out under the office futon somewhere for the entire afternoon, but dolfy follows me around and is either totally up in the camera’s business, or asleep somewhere closeby. dolfy’s been a super cute model for me lately.

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