enter renee, daniel, and khia! and yes, this is the renee and daniel from july. :) i was so excited to see them again and even more excited to photograph their new puppy, khia. i am a cat person as i’ve never owned dogs and suspect i’d be far too lazy to ever have one, but khia made me want a puppy. like, now. specifically, a puppy just like khia. i can gauge how adorable i think an animal is by how badly my face hurts afterward due to clenching my jaw when i speak to them because i’m overcome with cuteness. and my jaw hurt pretty badly after this session. :) SOOO RIDICULOUSLY CUTE. and she didn’t bark once. how amazing is she!? pet portraits are so fun.

there’s a puppy in there somewhere. :) she was awesome at listening! we told her to stay and walked really far with her treats and she stayed, just chilling in the barn. most kids wouldn’t do that!

i feel like i need a big canvas of the below two shots in my house somewhere. and when someone asks me if that’s my dog, i will say no. and they’ll look at me funny, but i won’t care.

prepare for your hearts to explode, everyone! it’s an australian shepherd puppy driving a john deere.

and let’s not forget that renee and daniel are adorable themselves. :) love these guys!

sooo, how many of you have the strong urge to go out and get a puppy?!