I love reconnecting with folks whose weddings we photographed back in the day, so I was very much looking forward to seeing Amanda and Jen again! But little did I know that I would pull up behind their house and hear a very emphatic “CAROLYN SCOTT!!!” from a small voice, which continued over and over again. Their incredibly gregarious daughter was so excited to meet me (the feeling was mutual) and she ran around saying things like, “Carolyn Scott, this is my house!” and “Carolyn Scott, these are my toys!” and “Carolyn Scott, let’s go to the playground!” I was addressed by my full name the whole time, which was delightful. At one point she also picked up a stick to use as a cane, put her hand on her back and said, “Look, I’m an old lady.” She’s great. Their son is also great – he enjoys the pastimes of walking and repeatedly falling, and also enjoys rolling down grassy hills. But my favorite thing about him is that he will not wait for the pizza to be cooked because why wait when you can just eat it right now? He would be a huge fan of the cold pizza Lunchable box. These guys made up such a beautiful, lively little family. It was so fun to see Amanda and Jen again, but really wonderful to see these confident and hilarious humans they’re raising.

I might be a little bit biased but I feel like I get the coolest families to photograph, and Jennifer and Gabe’s crew did not disappoint. First, they have an incredible house in the trees that is occupied by two cats. I only met the one, but he was freaking cute, fat, and orange (three solid criteria for judging a cat). His name is Hess. He came with the house and is very friendly, and apparently quite used to modeling for cameras. The second cat’s name is Koby and he did not come out to meet me, but I’m certain I would’ve liked him. Second, they have two adorable children. Maeve is a few weeks old and enjoys sleeping, looking cute as heck, and acquiring beautiful quilts that were sewn by Jennifer’s mom. Lincoln is three and enjoys never, ever getting out of his pajamas (something I totally respect) and hunting for dinosaur eggs that his dad hides in Lincoln’s sandbox under the cover of night. Jennifer and Gabe themselves are fantastic parents and partners, super patient and kind to their kids and each other. I had a great time getting to know them and pretending that I lived in their fantastic house for a brief hour or two of my life.

This is the 4th time we’ve photographed Annie+Kunal (their last session is here), and it’s an absolute pleasure each time. Annnnd we’ll actually be seeing them again shortly for another session, so at this point I think we could safely move in and no one would notice. But for this session, Annie’s Dad Tim contacted us and wanted to get family photos while everyone was in town together after the holidays. So much has been happening for this family! Tim and his partner Lorre just moved to the area from Tucson, Arizona to be closer to Annie and Kunal, who just gave birth to their second daughter Adhira while keeping up with Aashna, their toddler extraordinaire (and budding chef/baker/soccer player). Lorre’s daughter Brianne just got back in town from some time spent in Japan, and Wanda, Annie’s grandmother, was visiting from elsewhere in NC. Kunal’s parents Mahesh and Rekha flew in from India to be with their kids and grandkids over the holidays, and Kunal’s brother Manu came in from Little Rock. So there was a ton of family, and they were all happy to be together! We were lucky to get to photograph them hanging out at Tim and Lorre’s beautiful home, baking cupcakes and chasing around Aashna. This was the first time we had seen everyone together since Annie and Kunal’s wedding in 2015, and a great time was had by all. :)