Lindsay and Her Dress

This lady has been one of my favorites and I find myself slipping into a totally otherwise non-existent southern accent when I speak with her because hers is so adorable. Her wedding to Ken took place yesterday so I can finally post my favorites of her from a while ago. :) Their wedding will be coming up soon!

two posts in one day! go go go!

meet wendy!

wendy is a raleigh model who is way great and way fun and way cute and we had a terrific time shooting. we went to shelley lake because i had this field in mind…this awesome, awesome field. i knew it was a long way to walk, but i was sure i knew exactly where it was. and after walking for about 15-20 minutes, we were all like, “okay, screw the field. we have no idea where it is.” ::sigh:: someday i will go back and find the field. but we made due without the field and got some stellar shots. thanks for putting up with us, wendy! :D

raleigh portrait photographer raleigh portrait photographer

favvvvorrritttteee. poor wendy’s retinas suffered for this picture, but she pulled through, and i think it was worth it. :)

raleigh model north carolina model durham portrait photographer raleigh model photographer portrait photographer