I always love photographing self-professed “nerds” because I am also a nerd and usually we can talk about nerdy things together. Kelsie loves musicals, Neal loves board games, they both love ridiculous movies, and so naturally several recommendations were passed between all of us for a bunch of nerdy stuff (everyone – go watch Solarbabies if you want to see something truly amazing and ridiculous). Just felt like being home photographing these folks. Their house is adorable and they have two beautiful and majestic doggos, Tonks and Granger, who became my best friends. Their son, who is a JOY, was quite the smiley and happy photography subject, especially when it came to eating sliced cucumbers, which are his favorite. Loved working with all of these guys and having a photography party in their amazingly wallpapered bathroom.

It’s always a thrill to meet new people that you instantly click with and I just loved these guys. They’re fellow northerners who love their cats and their adorable daughter. Their adorable daughter loves whisking eggs (an all-time favorite hobby of hers) and painting (sometimes a canvas, sometimes her face). Her parents sent me a video of her wandering around the kitchen crying “Carolynnnn” after I left because she couldn’t find me and I apparently made quite a good impression. It was the best. Also the best: being busy photographing a toddler cooking breakfast but then turning around to find that the mom just came around the corner holding two enormous fluffy cats for me to also photograph. The cats are named Chunk and Rhu Rhu and we were best friends and I love them and they love me. It was a great day, ya’ll.

My first shoot of the new year couldn’t have taken place with a nicer family. This was my first time working with Danielle and Alex, their 14-year-old dachshund Honeybee, and definitely my first time working with their 7-day-old son. They were all so kind and invited me into their beautiful home to capture their baby in first few days at home (a lot of firsts here). These two met as professional classical musicians, which I think is so cool, and I’m sure that their son will inherit their talent and love of music. They were so fun to talk to as we hung around the house and talked babies and music and careers. I’m so happy for their new family and am delighted with their pictures (their son is beyond adorable but also Honeybee the dachshund has some serious modeling abilities).