Sam+Mark come to us via Jessie+Dan, and if you’re really looking for something to do, you can scroll through that blog post and find a hidden picture of Sam. It’s like Where’s Waldo for Carolyn Scott Photography stalkers! Anyway, Sam and Mark live in Durham, but were up in Pittsburgh for Jessie and Dan’s wedding, as Sam’s family is close with Dan’s family (I think I got that right) and everyone wanted to see them get married but also look at penguins. We didn’t know Sam and Mark at that time but we do now, and oh how we love them! They’re two adventurous and loving people who like exploring Durham and the Eno. We shot this session near the spot on the Eno where Mark proposed. It’s a special place for them, but it was also a super cool spot for us to shoot in that we hadn’t been to before. We braved mosquitoes and donned knee braces and I got bit by one singular fire ant but otherwise remained unscathed by nature despite rock hopping and hiking back to the car in the dark. Which, speaking of night hiking, is something that we learned Sam and Mark have enjoyed doing throughout their dating years! This sounds fun but also terrifying, but they are clearly outdoorsy people (a fact we first learned after Mark became the first person to bike away from our house after our consult). We’re so excited to photograph their wedding next year at the Durham Museum of Life and Science!
These two! We heart them. They ran around some parks in Durham with us and told us lots of hilarious stories and were really fun to be around when we saw a really creepy/suspicious guy running creepily/suspiciously around some creepy/suspicious historical buildings filled with creepy/suspicious stuff and also probably ghost children. Abbi and Olivia are from the middle of Pennsylvania but live down here in NC now, and they wanted a rustic sort of engagement session with the whole rustic building thing and vibe and a field. And I know of this great field in this one park. But then we got there and the field had been cut down for the winter and we were just left with that dude and the ghost children. They took it all in stride and commented how it also looked like the set of The Conjuring.
Before we got there, we explored yet another park that was wonderful and woodsy with their two year old pup named Maizee. Maizee is an adorable free spirited doggo who wore a lovely flower collar and was in love with Geoff. Also in love with treats. Also in love with life and running and being a doggo. It was cute.
Abbi and Olivia are really cute too. Like, really cute. Also, they got injured more on this engagement session than we’ve ever had anyone get injured before, but mostly because they enjoy running into each other at high speeds. They are really fun and Olivia can throw things really far. She has a history of throwing things (discus, javelin, hammer) and then she threw a pinecone for us and it went super far. Abbi grew up in a military family and has lived in a bunch of states. They like to fish and are outdoorsy and are really wonderful lovely people who are getting married up in PA next year, and we wish them all the best. We hope Olivia throws a bouquet REALLY REALLY FAR and everyone has to go chase it a long distance.
Caity and Kevin are two very charming individuals who bonded with us over a love of midcentury furniture and cats. They came to our house and talked about these things, and also television, and also cocoa. We are very lucky to have their wedding next year where we trust Kevin will climb things and make all of us nervous. Kevin likes to climb a lot of things. A requirement for the engagement session was to find climbable trees for Kevin. So we found a park with a lot of climbable… abandoned… cement… stuff?? and a few trees. The trees were tall and we thought Kevin would just stick to climbing the climbable… abandoned… cement… stuff?? that was closer to the ground but he did not. He went straight for a giant tree and climbed it like a small, swift cat who then almost needed the local fire department to come rescue him. But instead he jumped down from a great height, making the rest of us concerned for his knee and hip health, and moved right along. I’m fairly certain that if any wedding guests are reading this that a great wedding gift would be a very elaborate and tall gym set for Kevin, or perhaps a rock climbing wall. I’m not sure what to get Caity yet but a good bet would maybe be classes on how to set broken limbs and other basic first aid courses to support Kevin’s climbing habit.
They are both cute, adore their cat Haley (even though Caity had to be converted into loving Haley), and like pineapple on pizza (ew, we are working on changing their minds about this). They also really like Durham. They had their first date at Cocoa Cinnamon and returned to the scene of the crime with us, as well as several other important spots that were important to their relationship with each other and also Durham. We like them and they make us laugh.