Awww, meet little Fitzgerald. :) He’s 4.5 months old and a rescued stray who is nothing but adorable cuteness! He has a bad case of Stranger Danger like my own cat Buckles and he stayed hidden under tables and shelving units pretty much the whole time (coming out only briefly to take a stab at catching the laser pointer or the feather stick) but he is so so so cute! And during the brief moments when he stopped being incredibly suspicious and concentrated on catching his toys, I was able to get Fitzgerald action shots that capture his loving kitty personality. :)
Fitzgerald was rescued when he was really small by his mom Nikki when he wandered onto her friend’s property. She had to feed him formula since he was so tiny. Now he’s a lot bigger and doing very well in his home. He enjoys playing laser pointer, trying to get on the kitchen table where he’s not allowed, and sitting on the window sill behind the couch. Fitz is such a little sweetheart and had a good time playing away during his shoot. Enjoy!