day 14/365

more gloom today in raleigh as we continue to head through the nastiness that’s been this winter. and although it’s certainly not as bad as pittsburgh, i really can’t wait until it’s over. things started to bloom in the beginning of february then abruptly died after that snow we got. then we started on this steak of what’s now become perpetual overcast and drizzle with occasional periods of sun. thankfully the weather for the wedding i photographed last weekend was beautiful, but it was a rare case of good weather in an otherwise nasty winter. looking forward to the spring so i can stop dragging around pants that have wet hems for a while. baah.


why 365?

day 12/365

i’m sure that there’s been a time when you’re driving and you notice that some letters have burned out on a neon sign only to spell something either a.) obscene or b.) ridiculous. tonight it was shell’s turn to be on the receiving end of the jokes and/or political statements, depending on which way you roll.


why 365?