It was a joy to photograph this little family of three! So much joy that I immediately forgot to give them a bat sticker because Wyatt smiled at me with such a happy little baby smile that I was immediately smitten with him and forgot what I was doing. Those eyelashes! Those singular couple of teeth! Wyatt is one year old and is one of the happiest one-year-olds I’ve ever met. He seems to realize that he has it good: a playroom with a ball pit and a tunnel, parents who love him, dogs that also love him, a nursery themed with bugs. What more could you want at ~12 months? He seems both appreciative and thrilled at his good fortune, and smiled for the entire hour I was at their house. He was extremely cooperative. Adriana and Trey were equally as delightful and cooperative, and I’m so glad I finally got a chance to work with them! They love traveling and books and video games and maybe have the best built-in bookcase in all of the land. I had a great time photographing these wonderful people!