testing my spring pallete. a girl’s gotta have a bright kick in her step once the weather lifts, you know?
say nice things
i’m sure that there’s been a time when you’re driving and you notice that some letters have burned out on a neon sign only to spell something either a.) obscene or b.) ridiculous. tonight it was shell’s turn to be on the receiving end of the jokes and/or political statements, depending on which way you roll.
i’ve found that when you’re busy you quickly tend to forget about your 365 project. it’s much easier said than done in the january/february and it’s a generally slow two months for weddings, but as things start to pick back up i’ve suddenly realized why this is an almost impossible feat. however! i haven’t given up yet and don’t intend to, so…i’ll just keep trucking along until one day i actually do forget. :)
dress exposure: