work it, geoff, work it.
on a mission at a recent wedding. looks determined.
work it, geoff, work it.
on a mission at a recent wedding. looks determined.
happy birthday to the most avid reader of carolyn scott photography’s blog – my dad!! :) he turns 58 today and is as awesome as ever. I LOVE YOU, DAD! i’ll be home soon!
well dees and gents, carolyn scott photography has finally come into the age of the internet.
after having a personal facebook account that i deleted, added, re-deleted, re-added, and re-deleted several times (much to the annoyance of my friends), it was deleted for the final time several months ago. however! i do totally wish to keep in touch with friends and clients via facebook…and a carolyn scott photography fan page is a little more professional than a random personal account baring photographs of myself in unfortunate high school clothing choices and one or two pictures dressed as a zombie.
so fan us! friend us! message us! spread the word of carolyn scott photography. :)
it’ll be like this!! only much…less… physically close. because let’s face it, we don’t know each other that well.