Remember our UNC fans Janice+Dan? They’re back! This time it’s their wedding photos and we were so excited! Janice and Dan are the perfect couple, exhibited by how much they crack each other up and the fact that their friends started calling them “Danice.” They’re super sweet people and have a wonderful family and friend base to boot. We felt totally welcome and part of the family, despite the fact that we sometimes didn’t speak the language. :) Dan is Filipino-American and Janice is Taiwanese-American, so there were lots of different traditions and cultures thrown into the mix during their wedding day, and it was beautiful! Their wedding was held at the Carolina Inn because they met during their freshman year at UNC almost ten years ago. Today, Dan is in his residency to become a neurologist and Janice is a public health research analyst. Now they’re married, and will live happily ever after! :)
Date: June 18, 2011
Ceremony+Reception Venue: The Carolina Inn // Chapel Hill, NC
Officiant: Ms. Jennifer Duffy
Cake: Sweet Memories
Florist: Tre Bella
Coorindator: Bliss by Sam // Sam Dockery
Makeup: Makeupforyourday // Jennifer Parker-Buenviaje
DJ: DJ Island Sound // Peter

Our bride decided a nap was in order. A good nap sets the tone for the day. ;) Janice had two lovely dresses – one traditional American wedding dress, and one Chinese wedding dress! Gotta love a bride with two dresses and two shoes. :)

Our friends at Makeupforyourday did a wonderful job on the hair and makeup! And Tre Bella, the florist, had gorgeous floral arrangements!

We had the pleasure of working with Sam Dockery and her girls from Bliss by Sam for the coordination. :) They were so awesome to have around!

I’m pretty sure this is when they realized I was standing in the shower to get this shot.

Janice and I were discussing the first look while she was getting her hair done. Geoff and I coordinate the first look setup via cell phone, and we had it all planned out. However, someone in Janice’s camp mentioned something about a squirt gun, and Janice decided that ambushing Dan via water pistol was by far the best idea, and I couldn’t have agreed more. Best. First. Look. Ever.

…Dan quickly regained control of the squirt gun. :( Hahahaha.

This middle shot is entitled The Middle School Dance.

I don’t think I could’ve had a lovelier bride. Janice is simply stunning. And just LOOK at her beautiful bridesmaids! Of course, the gentlemen were awfully dashing as well.

Janice and Dan incorporated a few Filipino traditions into their wedding ceremony such as the coin ceremony and the chord and veil.

So let’s talk a little bit about the weather. The weather looked great all week. Even the day of, it looked great. A bit overcast? Maybe. But great. Sun was shining while all the parents were seated. Then somewhere around the middle of the ceremony our skies quickly darkened and the wind picked up like no other. Janice and Dan lit a unity candle, which was quickly extinguished by the wind. ;) At this point, we were becoming a little concerned. :)

The ceremony was finished quickly and we ran inside, just as it started to pour. :) Thankfully, rain is good luck on your wedding day! And also – we did the family portraits and bridal party beforehand, so it was easier to just do two people inside than it would be to do large groups. And I think they turned out great! Thanks to Bliss by Sam for her quick layout knowledge and to the Carolina Inn for having an awesome building inside and out.

Thanks to Sweet Memories for the beautiful cake and for DJ Island Sound for rocking out the evening. :)

The bride and groom went into a secret choreographed first dance!

Congratulations, Janice and Dan! I hope your honeymoon was splendid. We had an amazing time and hope to see you guys again!