another gorgeous day in the south. also, bowled an 89 today which is awesome if you ask me. :)

another gorgeous day in the south. also, bowled an 89 today which is awesome if you ask me. :)
rockin’ the acoustic look during this shoot. geoff really doesn’t like emo, but always said that if he had an emo band he’d name it death cry ex-girlfriend (inspired by death cab for cutie), so i guess this is his fake death cry ex-girlfriend shoot. maybe they’ll be big someday. “it’s the best band name ever!” – geoff.
and, as usual, buckles was there to take in all the action. and by “take in all the action” i mean sit there simultaniously terrified and fascinated, but always hopeful that there might be treats involved.
it’s been raining TONS here lately… which obviously isn’t the best weather condition for photography, but i’ve been getting out while i can. when it’s not raining, it’s in the lower 70s and extremely humid. which reminds me that i need to get out and buy shorts, t-shirts, and tanktops asap. coming from pittsburgh where a good day in the summer is maxing out around 80 and 1% humidity… it doesn’t exactly leave your closet full of summer clothes.
like i said, it’s been super humid and rainy here. went out a few nights ago to take some skyline shots from the boylan bridge with no jacket! horray! unfortunately i found out that the skyline still continues to look better from south saunders street, but what are you gonna do. :) i’ve gone out a few times to get shots from s. saunders but i haven’t come away with that perfect shot yet. of course, it’s kind of distracting when you have to park far away, then dash across several lanes of highway in the dark only to stand in the median, set up your tripod, and start shooting without getting hit by a car.
anyway, got a few nice glimpses of the shimmer wall while i was down at boylan bridge:
the shimmer wall is a nice edition from this side. hopefully we’ll be getting some more skyscrapers soon to fill in the gaps!
in other news, i’m still loving my portrait lens. it’s going to be a great addition to the upcoming wedding i’m shooting as well as family portraits. i have one scheduled next weekend for a family of seven and i’m hoping raleigh doesn’t rain us out. this portrait lens works great with children and it will be so much fun to do that shoot.
recently i’ve been doing a lot of adults and pets:
shot really great ones of geoff last weekend in duke gardens that wound up in the portfolio. north carolina really has some great on location opportunities… especially due to the weather (when it’s not raining).
hopefully this spring and summer will offer us a lot of great photography sessions and clients. i have a lot of great fine art opportunities opening up and galleries. i’ll keep you posted. my family has also rented a beach house out on hatteras. i promise i’ll actually wake up early this year to get some ghost crab shots… no, really… i think…. maybe.