See that little pup in the header above us? The one in the green grass? She’s back… and though older, she’s just as adorable and wonderful… as are Renee and Daniel. :) Renee and Daniel are one of my mom’s favorite couples of mine. Is that weird? That my mom has couples whom she’s never met but that she loves just from their pictures in my blog post? She always says, “They seem like such nice people.” And they are! What can I say, my mom’s a good judge of character. :P This is my third time working with them and my second with Khia, the most adorable Australian Shepherd in the world. They were all fabulous models, as usual! We had fun catching up and hiking around, and Daniel had a little too much fun throwing leaves at Renee. I hope you’ll all enjoy this couple’s post as much as I know my mom will. :P