Search Results for: big dog little bed

I’ve known Madison and Tyler for many years through Janice at Big Dog Little Bed and have photographed Tyler a few times for his videographer work there. But this was my first time photographing Madison and Tyler not only has a couple, but as parents to their sweet little boy River. River is SO CUTE and also VERY COOPERATIVE AS A BABY MODEL and also LOVES TO SHOVE SWEET POTATOES IN HIS FACE. He’s fun. He smiles a ton. We taught him how to play a tambourine. He did some swing dancing. He hung out on a backyard hammock. River’s living his best baby life over there. And who can forget Margie the Dog? I painted a portrait of Margie once for my Familiar Dolls side business along with her brother Vernon, and while Vernon is unfortunately no longer with us, Margie is thrilled to have River around. She is an incredibly sweet pup who loves attention and cuddles and insisted that I take at least 5 minutes out of my working schedule to sit with her on the couch (I did). Really she insisted on more than 5 minutes but I had to work and she’s still not over it. We had such a good time together in their beaaaautiful home (that yard!). And now that Geoff’s joined Tyler’s baseball team, I’m hoping that I’ll be able to make up for lost Margie time.

I’ve had the job of photographing the wonderful Janice of Big Dog Little Bed many times over the years. The last time I saw her, I photographed her with dogs Toby, Murphy, and George, all of whom were extremely loved by not only Janice, but the entire community who met and interacted with these pups, myself included. This time was bittersweet because these friends are no longer with us and are very much missed. Anyone who knows me has probably heard me talk about Toby because I was very much in love with him from the moment that I met him despite Janice’s warnings of, “Don’t make eye contact with him, don’t touch him.” I did make eye contact with him (eventually) and I did touch him (eventually) and we even progressed to the level of SELFIES TOGETHER (!!!) where Toby is very visibly rolling his eyes and trying to get away from me. He was one of my very favorite creatures to walk the earth and also to photograph. I also very much loved and cherished Murph, who was always friendly and loving and cooperative. He seemed wise beyond his years – like a little Yoda who chose not to speak. I had only met George once, but he was handsome and took direction well and was a very good boy.

I miss these friends. But while I had photographed Janice many times, this was my first time meeting and photographing her husband Sean (!), as well as their new dog Layla Bean (!). And I’m very pleased to announce that Layla Bean is truly a stellar addition and quite the character – and so is Sean. I immediately adored them both. Sean is the perfect match for Janice and I got along with him right away. He’s funny and creative and loves the outdoors like Janice – and he has a baseball team that Geoff just joined! Layla Bean is a very small yet very mighty dog with a lot of personality. She’s a tiny bossy tyrant with the sass meter on 100% at all times and I love her. She likes to carry around a toy pig that says “Kind of a pig deal” and I’m pretty sure she knows what it says. She enjoys bullying other dogs, hogging all of Janice and Sean’s attention, digging through her toy bin, playing fetch, and celebrating her birthday. They got her a cake. She loved it. She is a cooperative subject only because she knows I’m taking pictures of her and seems to be proud of that. She’s a diva and I’m excited to see more of her in the future because she’s adorable in every way.

So while our old friends are missed, we can take comfort in our newfound friend Layla Bean and enjoy celebrating her for many years to come. This was Layla’s first Gotcha Day celebration and I’m so happy for her that she found her perfect family.

We really need to get to perfecting the ability to shrink people down and put them in our pockets to carry around because I would definitely shrink Katie and Tony and bring them out to smile at me every once in a while. They both have infectious, super radiant smiles that are amplified when around each other, around family and friends, and around HokieBird, the Virginia Tech mascot that seems to be a giant turkey (who knew?). Their wedding was held at the expansive and beautiful property of the Beliveau Estate Winery in Blacksburg, Virginia and we were lucky enough to join them (and become very educated in the ways of the Hokies). Katie and Tony booked us a long time ago after a Skype meeting and a much-appreciated referral from our good friend Janice at Big Dog Little Bed Productions, and we were lucky enough to all get to work together as a big happy family on their wedding day, drones and all.

When we arrived at the winery, we already suspected Katie and Tony of being super stellar humans, but this was confirmed to us several times throughout the day by outside source as well as Katie and Tony themselves, who were SO NICE! And I told all wedding guests I met how beautiful Katie looked in her awesome wedding dress (all the sparkly gold wedding dresses, please!) and had two completely separate people tell me, “She’s beautiful inside and out.” So – it was confirmed. In addition, Katie’s Maid of Honor Laura told a fantastic little story about how she used to hang out at Katie’s apartment only to find her favorite foods inexplicably waiting for her, including pre-cut-up fruit, after Laura mentioned that fruit is a pain to prepare. I both identified with this story (fruit is a pain and I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks that) and found it wonderful that some people out there are still thoughtful, truly special people who listen and care about others in the way that Katie does. But it’s not even just Katie! Tony’s best man Dave told a story about how Tony once, without being asked, decided to help Dave’s family out by ironing Dave’s little sister’s tutu to help ease the pressure of them running a bit late. Laura also said that Tony helped her ride the subway to her new job in DC to show her the best way to get there. And we saw them do this all day. Smile at everyone, hug everyone, and be the nicest people in the room.

So… I’m sorry, everyone. But both Katie and Tony, two of the most selfless individuals we’ve had the pleasure of meeting, are already taken. And I feel like their relationship will just be one of those where they both show up after a long day and Katie will be like, “Tony, here is a milkshake I brought home for you to surprise you!” and Tony will laugh and be like, “But Katie, here is a milkshake I bought YOU!” and they will giggle and hug because that’s the kind of people they are and they’re proof the world is still a good place.

– Date: July 29, 2017
– Ceremony + Reception Venue: Beliveau Estate Winery // Blacksburg, VA
– First Dance Song: “You Are The Best Thing” – Ray LaMontagne
– Katie’s Occupation: Education Finance Researcher at Georgetown University
– Tony’s Occupation: Client Manager at Square One Bank
– How You Met: At a party! Fell in love over our shared admiration of hip hop.
– Interesting Fact: We’ve lived together in studio apartments for two years and still want to get married! We also went to the same college (Go Hokies!) at the same time and didn’t know each other.
– Vendor Credits: Officiant – Pamela Creekmur. DJ – Horizon Entertainment. Florist – DIY arrangements with flowers from Stonecrop Farmers. Desserts – Our Daily Bread. Caterer – Beliveau Estate Winery. Hair/Makeup – Polished by Clair V. Videographer – Big Dog Little Bed Productions.