Category: Weddings

nick and jen were married in durham, nc at the radisson hotel in RTP on may 22nd. :)

words can’t describe the amount of fun it was to do this wedding. because, quite simply, weddings are crazy fun to edit…but they’re even more fun to edit when the pictures are of your friends.

backstory for those who are interested:

one of my best friends from college was (and is!) my friend steve jabs. two of his best friends were nick and chad. i knew nick and chad through steve, but just well enough to wave to or give the “hey, what’s up, we have mutual friends in common” head-nod to when we passed. we all graduated, yadda yadda, and moved to different states. steve moved to florida and came up to visit geoff and i last year. during this whole process, i also became aware that nick, chad, and their girlfriends were all living in north carolina (it’s a small world).

so, steve came up and we all visited together. it was during this time that we became aware that chad’s girlfriend was friends with geoff in high school and was also a friend of mine through one of my ex-boyfriends (and we also had science class together in college). it’s seriously like a six-degrees-of-steve-jabs game at this point.

anyway, steve went back to florida and geoff and i took his friends (just kidding, steve jabs, you can see them sometimes too). ;)

long story short – nick and jen were engaged and asked me to shoot the formals for their wedding. i was super excited and happily agreed because i love them. i was primarily there as a guest, but i did do some getting ready shots of the girls and reception shots for my own personal enjoyment (mostly after my friends had a few drinks and started to get amusing).

i love you all! congratulations, nick and jen…you’re a beautiful couple and we’re so happy for you!

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so notice how adorable and girly the girls are being…and then notice how i had some time to go downstairs and say hello to the guys. and although chad was being a good groomsman and writing a card to nick and jen, steve jabs spent his time adjusting the sleep number on his bed. this, ladies and gentlemen, is what the groomsmen are doing while the bride gets ready. :)

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i sat them down at this table and they started arm wrestling. it looks like jen is winning. she has the game face.

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love father/daughter dances and mother/son dances! also, nick and his little sister were adorable.

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and sara brings the “valley high school” to the dance floor to start the party off right.

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this is, perhaps, to me, the most hilarious sequence. jen tosses the bouquet and, after much fighting, the very determined girl in blue catches it victoriously…

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nick fishes for the garter…

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steve jabs catches the garter…

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…and proceeds to put the garter on the bouquet toss girl…with his teeth.

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and this, my friends, is a pure victory shot:

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there was also a lot of flips and random jumps all night. nick and jen teach at a gym down here and can flip like nobody’s business.

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turns out that one of the other groomsmen was a guy from college whom i affectionately referred to as “library phill”! we also did the mutual-friend-head-nod thing back in the day, but occasionally talked if i was checking out books. but a girl who was friends with him at our table (elyse, below) is cousins with another kid geoff went to school with…who married a girl i went to school with…and it is seriously a crazy small world.

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raleigh wedding photographer

carolyn scott photography is honored to be featured in the following blogs today!

we had the honor of working alongside erin mclean events, a fantastic wedding planner in the raleigh area, for the wedding of heather & jason earlier this year. today she’s featured some detail shots from the wedding on the front page of her blog. thank you, erin! and please, if you’re in the area and looking for a planner, definitely check out erin’s website. she’s wonderful!

i also was thrilled to find out that dottie & jon’s wedding from february has been featured in emmaline bride’s blog today as well! emmaline bride is a great resource for creative ideas for weddings, crafty and DIY wedding stuff, and an awesome place to find wedding vendors. check them out!

thanks for the support, wedding community! :)

last month i had the great opportunity to work alongside rev. william scott at a wedding. very professional and personable, rev. scott did a fantastic job officiating and wrote a beautiful ceremony for the couple. i was very excited to interview him for the blog to give my brides a chance to learn more about rev. scott and how he can help give you a lovely ceremony.

rev. william scott

Reverend William E. Scott – The Marrying Man

(919) 690 8347

1. How and when did you decide to become a Reverend and work as a wedding officiant?

My nephew is also a minister, and he married my other nephew about 15 years ago. I knew then, that this was something I wanted to do. It was a wonderful wedding, and I was so proud of them all.
2. What is your inspiration for writing ceremonies?

I am normally inspired by the couples that I meet. Each couple is different, so I listen to what they say, try to determine their personalities, etc. and I try my best to develop a service that is right for them. Takes a bit of work sometimes, but the end result is worth it.

3. What is the most unique ceremony you’ve written?

I think for me, it was an American Indian couple that I was lucky to be involved with. They wanted something special and in tune with the earth, so we worked long and hard, but we created what I thought was a truly lovely ceremony. We had a pig pickin’ afterwards, so that made it even better.

4. What is the cutest or funniest thing you’ve seen happen at a wedding?

I did a wedding, where the couple wanted to get married over a pond on a dock. When it came time to get the rings, the best man, as he was handing me the rings, dropped them. Fortunately I caught them, just before they hit the dock, but the groom had to catch me, to keep me from falling in. It all worked out quite well, thank goodness.

5. What is the most rewarding part of doing this job?

Over the years, I have met so many wonderful people and their families. I enjoy the food and the festivities as well, but it is the people that I find the most interesting. I sometimes get “Thank you” cards from some of my couples and it just makes me feel so good to know that I have helped make their day, feel very special.

6. Who has encouraged you to start your own business and helped you along the way?

Well, for me, this is not actually a business. I only do a few weddings each year because I am selective about the couples that  I serve. I normally enjoy serving couples that have good personalities and I can see that they are truly in love. I actually owned a computer support group for 20 years until December of 2009. I do this for the sheer joy of it.

7. Where is the most interesting place you’ve traveled to in order to perform a ceremony?

I have done many weddings in great places. One of my most favorite is the Hudson Manor in Louisburg, NC. It is owned and operated by a couple that is truly awesome. They took an old Plantation, then they work hard to restore it, and have created a beautiful site (that they take great care of). Additionally, they really know how to conduct a great wedding and keep everything and everybody in good order.

8. What is the most challenging part of being a wedding officiant?

I think the most challenging part of the wedding process, is the original meeting with the couple. In most cases they are very nervous and are not sure what to say. The key is just to relax, and talk about the things that are important to you. In my case, I like to hear information from the couple that tells me what they are looking for  in a service and what their expectations are. Expectations should not be too high, but the couples should surely get what they are looking for.

9. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

I don’t have a lot of spare time, because my wife works with animals that need to be rehabilitated or relocated and on our farm, there is always something to do. I do enjoy reading and playing Chess whenever I can, and of course working with computers. I like to do things that challenge my mind.

10. What advice would you give young couples searching for a wedding officiant?

I think the most important thing is to find the right officiant and one that will work for them and give them the sort of wedding that they wish to have. I know some officiants that are stringent and want things “their way” instead of what the couple wants. I do not really like that, but I hear of it all the time. Sometimes personalities clash, or an officiant may not react as the couple thinks they should. The key is, that the couple is paying, so they should be able to command respect and honor.

**thank you so much, rev. scott, for doing this interview! i had a great time working with you and look forward to weddings with you in the future!