Category: Weddings

again i’ll say it – there is nothing better than photographing the wedding of a friend.

melissa and i met when we used to teach elementary school in creedmoor, nc. she taught first grade, i taught second. we loved kids, but ended up despising teaching in the public school system and eventually we both quit around the same time to pursue different paths. i went into photography and melissa, very much in tune with nature, farming, and her religion, moved to virginia to begin an intentional community on a farm in the mountains near lynchburg. she was starting this new life with her friends from the area and her boyfriend, chris. they both attended classes to further their education on their ideal community and longed for a day when they could begin the journey together for good, as they were frequently separated by state and county lines.

last weekend, they began their full life together and geoff and i traveled to virginia to photograph their wedding. :)

like i said, they are very earthy and do-it-yourself, not to mention incredibly creative, lovely people. the pictures below will vouch for their total awesomeness and the love and support of their family and friends. they did the entire wedding themselves, using only their friends and family to make everything. it was truly amazing and shows just how much you can accomplish when you enlist the help of people you know.

raleigh wedding photographer

melissa, being the super crafty previous-elementary-school-teacher that she is, did a ton of the details. she also made her own wedding dress because she is an amazing seamstress who makes a ton of her own clothes, of which i’ve been perpetually jealous.

raleigh wedding photographer raleigh wedding photographer

melissa and chris received a cabin in the woods for their wedding present. can you get a better wedding present than that!? i found this book sitting on the bookshelf in the house on the farm and found it fitting for a shot. :)

farm wedding raleigh wedding photographer farm wedding carolyn scott photography

no farm wedding is complete without chickens. you have no idea how excited i was when i found out that there would be a chicken coop on the ceremony grounds!

farm wedding farm wedding farm wedding invitations

all the girls making food for the wedding in the kitchen. no AC here, folks! they were more used to it than i was, so i was pretty much running around sweating buckets. :)

raleigh wedding photographer

i’m loving the use of mason jars in weddings recently. i’ve always loved the look of them. to the right is the back of melissa’s dress with the tiny buttons. :)

raleigh wedding photographer raleigh wedding photographer raleigh wedding photographer

melissa’s little sister sam working on her hair. they are both equally adorable and incredibly alike. i pretty much felt like i already knew sam and they both have the same laugh. sisters are great!

raleigh wedding photographer raleigh wedding photographer

her dad bought her this necklace for the wedding and i found this book sitting on the nightstand. and as melissa is truly a “daughter of the land”, i figured i’d put dad’s necklace by it for a shot. :) i love it – one of my favorites of the day.

farm wedding

and here is dad, putting the necklace on his girl!

farm wedding raleigh wedding photographer farm wedding

obviously i don’t have to sit here and tell you how gorgeous melissa is and how i’d probably just follow her around all day with a camera and take pictures of her if she’d let me, but i’ll tell you anyway: she is gorgeous.

raleigh wedding photographer family portraits

and what an adorable groom we have!! the look on chris’s face to the right is so cute!

farm wedding ceremony

annnnd beam of sunlight from out of nowhere shining on the wedding ceremony GO!!! thank youuuu, nature. :) pulling through yet again.

farm wedding ceremony farm wedding ceremony raleigh wedding photographer

yes, those are candles in the trees you’re seeing. :) they were married in the early evening and, after the ceremony, guests cleared out the chairs and replaced them with tables. the entire reception was in the same spot at the ceremony and lit entirely by moonlight and candles in the trees. it was absolutely beauuuuutiful.

farm wedding ceremony farm wedding ceremony raleigh wedding photographer first kiss raleigh wedding photographer wedding toasts

raleigh wedding photographer

melissa and her sister holding hands. :)

wedding reception wedding reception north carolina wedding photographer

i was even more excited to hear about the rusty truck than i was about the chickens. i never apply vintage-y effects to anything, but i did in this portrait because i thought it fit.

farm wedding photography carolyn scott photography

and the following, ladies and gentlemen, is the result of giving your photographer lots of time to walk around with just the two of you to take photographs at your wedding. it’s totally, totally worth the twenty minutes or so it takes. i am so in love with every one of these.

raleigh wedding photographer raleigh wedding photographer raleigh wedding photographer raleigh wedding photographer raleigh wedding photographer carolyn scott photography

i absolutely LOVE THIS! and it was all melissa’s idea. :) they wanted to recreate american gothic and so we did our own spin on it. their expressions are dead on and it’s just about the greatest thing i’ve ever seen. and then, to kick off the reception, was the appalachian folk trio. yesss!

raleigh wedding photographer

raleigh wedding photographer

and then it proceeded to get dark very, very quickly in the mountains and the woods. :) but we still got our groove on with the folk trio!

farm wedding reception

congratulations, melissa and chris. i love you both very much and was so, so happy to be there with you on your wedding. :) hope to see you in october, friends!

*like it? leave some love in the comments!

this was a seriously adorable wedding. everything about it was intimate and totally chill and i got to photograph at two new (to me) venues that were awesome! we had a seriously great time. amanda and chris are so sweet and down to earth and their wedding was just that.

they were married in the old stone chapel in wake forest which is the coolest little church! tons of stained glass and an old-timey stone look to the front, but seriously great diffused lighting inside which is a photographer’s dream! yay!

old stone chapel

awesome stained glass and a piece of amanda’s veil.

raleigh wedding photographer

getting the best man ready for his close-up. :)

raleigh wedding photographer

amanda looked wonderful! and wait, do these shoes look familiar?

raleigh wedding photographer raleigh wedding photographer

i was scoping out my competition. they looked very professional. the little dude on the left took pictures all day. move over, geoff, i think i found myself a new assistant! ;)

raleigh wedding photographer old stone chapel

seriously, if you’re looking for a church to get married in, the old stone chapel is awesome. and balcony shots are near and dear to this photog’s heart, so you’ll get bonus points!

old stone chapel

the reception was held at anderson point park cottage in raleigh. it is also so adorable! inside it’s almost all hardwood and has such a cottage-y feel, hence the name i guess! ;) it’s a little house in the middle of anderson point park and pretty secluded. it’s great for a really intimate space with close family and friends.

anderson point park cottage blue and white wedding cake

their cake was made by ambrosia cake creations, which reminds me that i need to contact the owner to get a vendor interview with them, because this cake was AMAZING! not only was the topper adorable, but the flowers had such crazy incredibly detail. i hear it tasted delicious, but alas i am still plagued by my gluten free/dairy free diet and couldn’t eat it. :( bummer, as a huge photographer perk is wedding cake.

blue and white wedding cake

amanda and chris were so great during this shoot out in the 100+ degree heat and humidity in the middle of a field at high noon. i felt like i was going to die, so i can only imagine wearing a formal dress and a tux felt like!

raleigh wedding photographer raleigh wedding photographer

by far my favorite of the day… sooo cute.

raleigh wedding photographer wedding rings

i love this picture, too…really dark, but the window cast some pretty cool colors and i was able to get it just how i wanted it. :)

raleigh wedding photographer blue and white wedding cake

congratulations, amanda and chris! we had a great time and wish you the absolute best!

if you’re looking for a fantastic jazz pianist in the raleigh area for your wedding, jason is totally your man. we might be a little biased (he’s our ceremony musician!) but take our word for it. we’re having a bit of a… *ahem*…interesting wedding…and wanted the music to fit the bill. we scoped out a couple of different options, but always came back to using a piano. there’s a piano at artspace as well, so it’s pretty much perfect. but then we really didn’t want traditional piano music. and we looked for a long time trying to find someone who could play something other than traditional classical pieces.

jason is a local music teacher (bonus cool points for one current teacher and one former teacher teaming up!) and genuinely offered to play just about anything for our wedding. we wanted jazz background piano, and he was all over it. but more importantly, he learned how to play a specific song that we wanted for my aisle walk. and while that’s totally under wraps right now until our wedding, let me just say that we are thrilled! not only is he totally open to playing anything, he can play anything…and that’s awesome. seriously…highly recommended, folks. a good guy. here’s his interview!

raleigh wedding photographer

jason campbell

raleigh/durham/chapel hill ceremony musician: piano

1. What inspired you to first start playing music for wedding ceremonies?

The first time I played at someone’s wedding, it was actually a favor for a friend. The wedding was coming up soon and she still didn’t have anyone to handle the music. I offered the music as my wedding gift. She and her now-husband were really relieved to have one less thing to stress about and they were both so grateful. I was honored to provide that relief and comfort.

2. Do you have a specific list of songs that you’ll play, or do you work with the couple to create a custom list?

I have a binder labeled “Wedding” that contains standards like Bach’s “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring” and “Trumpet Voluntary,” and I can pretty much play “Canon in D” blindfolded by now. Most people want at least one piece of music that really means something to them and I’m happy to learn a new piece for the occasion or suggest my own ideas if they’re not sure.

3. Do you attend rehearsals for the ceremony to make adjustments in the timing?

Whenever possible. Most people don’t think about things like how fast this song should go or how long it should take until they actually hear it, and I really don’t want anyone’s great-grandmother to trip down the aisle because she had to rush to the tempo of the music.

4. What genre of songs do you typically play for the guests while they await the ceremony?

Music from the Impressionist Period, like Debussy and Ravel. It was designed for weddings. It’s so melodic and ethereal, I think it really helps set up the ambiance.

5. What is your personal favorite genre of songs to play and why?

Jazz! Yes, I’m one of those people that has an unwavering love of it. Jazz is the only type of music that truly captures the moment it’s in. I could go on and on here, but to sum it up, I just can’t play jazz without feeling uplifted.

6. Have you ever worked with other musicians during a ceremony?

Frequently. I’ve accompanied both singers and instrumentalists including clarinet, guitar and string quartet.

7. If the couple has no ideas for specific music choices, how do you go about deciding on what music to play?

In these cases, I usually go to my standards notebook and make a lot of suggestions. I also try to draw that unique song out of them. A lot of times they just don’t think that a simple piano version of their song can be arranged when it’s usually little trouble at all.

8. Do you let the couple hear the selections before the ceremony?

Of course. I’m always looking for feedback and I want to make sure that the music suits what they have in mind.

9. What is the most unique piece of music that you’ve played for a ceremony?

I have two, one really meaningful, the other hilarious. When my brother got married last fall, I played/arranged a version of “All You Need is Love” for string quartet, piano, and voice (my little sister sang). The runner-up would be when I played “Linus and Lucy” (the Peanuts Theme) as the recessional while the wedding party did the “Snoopy Dance” down the aisle.

10. What is your favorite thing about playing live music for weddings?

I like being a part of the celebration, even if it’s for two complete strangers. Especially for complete strangers. I get to meet people that I would have otherwise never met on one of the best days of their lives and help shape their memory of that day in a small but meaningful way. It’s quite a privilege.

**yay! thank you so much, jason, for taking part in the interview! we are so ecstatic to have found you for our own wedding and i hope to work alongside you at someone else’s wedding soon! :)