Category: Weddings

LOVED this wedding! renee, daniel and their family and friends are such a super friendly and nice group of people. it rained! and nobody was really even that stressed out about it! in fact, the bridal party grabbed some umbrellas and we went outside to take pictures anyway! thankfully it didn’t pour and it stopped soon after so we didn’t need them for too long, but it’s awesome when clients are that easy going. easy going and super friendly bridal party, a couple totally in love, and a group that totally knew how to throw a party. nice!

lather salon raleigh lather salon raleigh wedding makeup

renee and daniel were married on july 31, 2010 at north raleigh presbyterian church. awesome church, by the way. has great grounds and a modern feel about it.

Raleigh wedding photographer guys getting ready girls getting ready raleigh bridesmaids

i was loving this ring. i like the circular design on the petite band. i have been getting some brides and grooms with awesome rings lately!

wedding rings raleigh wedding photographer raleigh groomsmen

renee wore ballet flats… second bride in a row! such a great idea. i was also loving the bridesmaid attire, flowers, and shoes. tan pumps + sage green = WIN.

north carolina wedding photographer north raleigh presbyterian church north raleigh presbyterian church north raleigh presbyterian church wedding ceremony raleigh bridal party

they are both too cute. :( they’ve dated for five years and were so comfortable and cute around each other. there were a lot of tears at the ceremony and the reception. adorable!

raleigh north carolina photographer raleigh wedding photographer north carolina wedding photographer couple

the below shot is my favorite ever. expect this in the portfolio soon.

raleigh nc wedding photographer

raleigh bride and groom north raleigh presbyterian church wedding

the wedding reception was held at one eleven place in cary. great venue! very classy. they did an excellent job arranging everything and being super nice and organized.  and renee and daniel had a candy bar! YES! and just when i got excited about that, i saw that the candy bar was lime green and purple! BIGGER YES!

one eleven place

purple and green candy bar

all of their first dance pictures involved them laughing cutely the entire time. :)

first dance

first dance

one eleven place reception

i want this little girl’s hair!

one eleven place wedding

one eleven place wedding reception

one eleven place wedding reception

the expression of a bouquet toss winner vs. the expressions of surprised defeat in the background:

bouquet toss winner

best. garter. toss. ever. i have never seen a group of guys so enthused. usually they stand there with their arms at their sides and step aside when the garter comes towards them. :) these guys were all about it. i love the guy in the front trying to hold back the rest of the crew like, “don’t worry, dudes, i got this.”

garter toss

cake cutting

wedding reception dancing

i’ll give you three guesses for the song in the next two pictures and the first two guesses don’t count. :)

wedding reception dancing

raleigh photographer one eleven place

one eleven place wedding reception

last dance

AWESOME. thanks renee and daniel! we had a great time and wish you two all the luck even though you won’t need it because you’re adorable together. :)

wow! sorry for the incredible lack of posting, but i have an excuse being out of raleigh for a couple of weeks. i’ve been shooting weddings, farmer’s markets, and in and out of pennsylvania and north carolina, and on vacation. i promise more updates soon now that i’m back in raleigh for a solid month before i’m back to pennsylvania again for another wedding in the good ole ‘burgh. :)

now let’s back up: beth and pete were married at penn ken (the pennsylvania state university at new kensington for those who don’t know the local slang) in our hometown near pittsburgh, pennsylvania on july 10th. this was my first wedding in pittsburgh and we had so much fun. when i first found out i was shooting it, i was dually excited because 1.) i was going to fly up a week before and hang out with my family before the wedding and 2.) because pete, the groom, has been my friend since middle school. :) we were both in marching band together (man, i am revealing way too much of my past here), and pete primarily wore corduroy pants and nirvana t-shirts and i think my hair was either blue or pink at the time. it’s crazy to think that he’s married, i’m engaged, we dress like adults and we’re both fairly responsible! ;)

i had heard of beth numerous times from pete and his friends over the years and everyone had really awesome things to say about her, so i was very excited to meet her. we had our consult over christmas when we were all back in pittsburgh for a while and i was happy to see that she is just as amazing as everyone says she is! this wedding was going to be good times.

and of course it was!

now, i’ve taken pictures of some cool tattoos on hairstylists throughout my wedding career, but i like this one the best simply because it’s a girl with a mom tattoo which i found cute/hilarious/awesome.

tattoo bride's sister getting ready wedding makeup wedding makeup

i’m loving these shoes because they’re flat. she was comfortable all day and had them on all night. that’s how you do it!

white flat wedding shoes bride getting ready

i love beth. the “serious face” on the right was very hard for her to make because she’s constantly smiling and laughing (see picture on left). she was one of the happiest, chilled, most laid back brides i’ve had and it was contagious.

raleigh bridal portrait photographer hydrangea bouquet and flower girl

i love it when geoff can get pictures of the guys and i can get the girls. we don’t do it all the time… if the locations are too far apart it involves too much driving between the two of us and it’s risky in case one of us needs the other for something unexpected. but when we do, it’s hilarious to see the contrast between the girls being all beautified and getting ready compared to what the GUYS are doing. the last wedding where we were able to get the gents getting ready, we ended up with the girls putting on makeup and lacing up dresses while the guys played with the settings on the adjustable bed. here we can note the combination of cigarettes, mountain dew, and a flask. ;)

groomsmen groomsmen forum theatre

i love this ring shot… and this shot of pete’s dad’s awesome old camera. he had a few really neat old film cameras that he was showing me while we talked photography. he used to do weddings back in the day! always nice to meet other people with cool cameras.

raleigh wedding photographer

raleigh bridal portrait photographer

the wedding ceremony was held inside the forum theatre at penn ken where pete and beth met. :) very cute! the wedding ceremony was presided over by donald kinosz, the mayor of lower burrell and father one of our other middle school band friends, casey kinosz. it was like an early burrell high school reunion! go bucs!

penn ken forum theater wedding

pennsylvania state university new kensington forum theatre wedding

pennsylvania state university new kensington wedding

raleigh wedding photographer

bridal party

pittsburgh wedding photographer

of course, those of you who live/have lived around here know that if you get married at penn state, you need the all-important  traditional photograph of the newlywed couple with the lion. it was hard for all of us to keep a straight face during this.

penn state wedding

raleigh wedding photographer

bride and groom

so everyone who’s worked with me knows that i like to take pictures of the couple alone while everyone else (family, friends, etc.) have either gone to the reception or are somewhere out of sight. it’s very distracting to not only myself but to the couple as well. and it gives some great time for the couple to have a few minutes to breathe and relax. so in this case, everyone went on the reception and took pete and beth’s car. :) now i had flew in from raleigh so my car wasn’t with me, but i was staying with my parents in pittsburgh and was driving their car all over the place, so here’s the best part – we drove them to their wedding reception in…my mom’s subaru forester. :D i believe pete said to beth at one point, “this is your wedding ride, baby!” hahaha. it was amazing and my mom was later very excited that her car was used as official wedding transportation.


and an awesome wedding reception ensued:

groom cigar

pittsburgh wedding photographer

one of my favorite pictures taken ever! neat. :)

raleigh wedding photographer

wedding reception

cute moment between the adorable ring bearer and beth:

pittsburgh wedding photographer

and the kids at this wedding reception totally stole the show:

wedding reception

kids at wedding reception

girls at wedding reception

wedding reception

wedding photography reception

wedding photographer

congratulations, beth and pete! we had an amazing time and were glad that we had the opportunity to come to pittsburgh to be with you on your wedding! we love you both!

ahhhh, the day was finally here. :) tamyra and darius married at the Upper Room Church of God in Christ in raleigh on june 26, 2010.

back when i met tamyra and darius in the fall, i started looking forward to their wedding. they were so fun, outgoing, and creative at the consult that i knew their wedding would be a blast, and it certainly didn’t disappoint! i started looking forward to it even more when i did their engagement session and had an amazing amount of fun. note: i love engagement sessions for this fact: i really feel like i already know you by your wedding day and you don’t feel awkward anymore having me follow you around with a camera. :)

so they’re a genuinely super nice couple who are hilarious and loving at the same time…perfect to photograph. i knew their wedding day would be simultaneously full of love and shenanigans at the same time…which it was. :)

we’ll start with some getting ready shots!

geoff’s view:

raleigh wedding photographer

raleigh wedding photographer

my view:

raleigh wedding photographer

raleigh wedding photographer

seriously…women would kill for these eyebrows:

raleigh wedding photographer

raleigh wedding photographer

raleigh wedding photographer

tamyra is READY! love that look of determination.

raleigh wedding photographer

raleigh wedding photographer

think she liked the bouquet? :)

raleigh wedding photographer

seriously…not a more chill, laid back, but also hilarious group of guys can be found. not only were all of the groomsmen super nice, pleasant, and easy to work with, they also struck unusual poses for me throughout the day and kept me on my toes.

raleigh wedding photographer

CSP on the big screen! :) their church had two screens projecting the slideshow from their engagement session with yours truly while the guests walked in until the ceremony started. super cute!! i know i was impressed. :) pictured here below with the super colorful and beautiful bouquet!

orange, black and pink bouquet

the colors for their wedding were pink, orange, green, and black and it ROCKED! and i was asked to wear green which is great, because i’m usually dressed in all black…and bold colors shake things up a bit. :)

upper room church of god in christ wedding raleigh

check out that alter!! so cool. what a neat way to personalize your ceremony.

upper room church of god in christ wedding

not only did they use gelled yellow and pink stage lights for their alter, they lit their reception with them. on top of THAT, their reception was in the gym of the school next door which was just really neat, period. and i’ve got to hand it to demitrius of creative touch designs who did their flowers, decorations, and so much more for putting together a totally kick-butt wedding. i seriously felt like i walked into some sort of hollywood party for their reception.

raleigh wedding photographer

raleigh wedding photographer

really, though, i loved these guys!


first dance

raleigh wedding photographer

neat groom’s ring!

first dance

wedding toasts

i’ve been getting a lot of amazing garter toss sequences lately, but this one is amazing. darius launches it and wait for it…wait for it…

garter toss

garter toss

and caught! by the little dude totally not even seen in the original garter tossing picture. the little man came out of nowhere and totally snatched it. LOVE the look on his face below…where you can tell he knows he did something totally cool, but isn’t quite sure what it was.

ring bearer

raleigh wedding photographer

caught a few of tamyra and darius waiting for the limo at the end of the day. :)

raleigh wedding groom

favorite!! she’s gorgeous. :)

raleigh wedding bride

raleigh wedding photographer

congratulations, you two! we loved it loved it loved it!