Category: Weddings

meet rosalyn and patrick: two lawyers currently residing in charlotte. rosalyn is a north carolina native while patrick’s family lives in washington state. both sides of the family came together at the always lovely american tobacco bay 7 in durham for this gorgeous wedding. :) they’re a beautiful couple and we had a great time getting to know them and their family and friends. i’m so happy we were able to be a part of it!

so happy rosalyn chose wavelengths salon in durham to get her hair done! i love shooting there. great colors, great light, and a super accommodating staff. i told them that i’m slowly accumulating pictures of all of their staff members, hehe.

wavelengths salon durham nc wavelengths salon durham nc

she went veil-less and opted for the orchids in the hair! nice touch!

wedding hair salon groomsmen wedding gown bridesmaids bride and groom getting ready

she bought a washington state garter on etsy for patrick’s alma mater. :) cute!

washington state garter st. philips church durham wine color bridesmaid dresses

the ceremony was held at st. philips in downtown durham, nc. very dark and lots of restrictions in terms of where i could stand, but a very beautiful old church and a great ceremony.

st. philips church durham st. philips church wedding durham

and now we’re on to american tobacco bay 7 for the wedding reception. such a neat place to shoot.

bridal party american tobacco bride and groom headshots bay 7 wedding american tobacco american tobacco bay 7 wedding american tobacco bay 7

are you ready for tons of reception pictures?! i loved this. not only is bay 7 neat looking by itself, but they had a lighting guy come in and string up some awesome white lanterns and market lights. it was adorable…so prepare for the excessive amount of reception pictures i’m blogging! aaaannddd GO!

first dance bay 7 bay 7 wedding lime centerpieces american tobacco wedding

i was able to work with my friend brian mcguire of mcsound productions for this wedding reception. guy throws a great party!

bay 7 wedding reception bay 7 wedding american tobacco wedding reception wedding reception wedding reception american tobacco wedding reception bay 7 american tobacco bay 7 wedding reception wedding rings wedding reception bay 7 american tobacco wedding reception bay 7 wedding reception durham nc american tobacco campus

goodnight, american tobacco! and congratulations, rosalyn and patrick! thank you for allowing me to be part of your beautiful wedding. :)

out of raleigh and back in pittsburgh on august 28th for nicole and luke’s wedding. :) this was a cool wedding to do seeing as how i went to high school with luke and how i’ve known his older brother since my days of braces and extreme hair cuts (ohhh, middle school…you were shameful years, indeed). his brother chris was good friends with my sister and we knew each other through her and various marching band appearances (i told you they were shameful years). anyway, chris was in my sister’s grade a few years ahead of me while luke was a grade younger than me. chris and i have kept in touch via facebook and he’s been following my photography progress since i’ve started. actually, i owe the whole creation of the carolyn scott photography blog to him! it was totally his idea. thanks, chris!

anyway, when luke and nicole got engaged, he recommended me to luke and i ended up booking them for their wedding. :) it was super exciting and awesome to see everyone again and to meet the lovely nicole for the first time (although we’re pretty sure we must’ve met before at some place…sometime…which neither of us can really remember). they had a gorgeous wedding at st. george orthodox church in new kensington, pa while their reception was at the oakmont country club (helloooo nicest golf course in the states!).

pittsburgh wedding photographer pittsburgh wedding photographer pixie hair salon st. george orthodox church new kensington

gotta love getting ready in a children’s school. this sign was amazing (it’s the elementary school teacher in me).

st. george orthodox church new kensington raleigh wedding photographer bridesmaid tattoo

WEDDING FACT: nicole and i chose the same bridesmaid dresses for our girls except hers are purple and mine are black. also – both of our dresses are la sposa – an amaaaazing spanish wedding gown maker. ::high five, nicole!:: we have good taste, what can i say. :)

pittsburgh bride st. george orthodox church new kensington

nicole is beaaaautiful!

bride getting ready st. george orthodox church wedding

WEDDING IRONY PART ONE: this was the first wedding where i had absolutely no restrictions inside the church whatsoever despite it being the most religious/scared ceremony i’ve ever attended. in fact, i was encouraged and asked to use my flash through the entire ceremony and stand up front with the priests (yes, multiple priests…3 to be exact). i never use my flash during the ceremony, but this church was extremely dark and i did so at the request of the bride. the church was seriously breathtaking and i’ve never been in one like it.

st. george orthodox wedding st. george orthodox wedding st. george orthodox wedding


pittsburgh wedding photographer newlyweds! bridesmaids in a classic car oakmont country club wedding

WEDDING IRONY PART TWO: so usually i have a ton of restrictions placed on me at the church during the ceremony and total free reign at the venue where we usually take the formals. however, this was totally opposite. no restrictions whatsoever at the church… a trillion restrictions at the country club. we were allowed to take pictures in a very limited area of the course due the fact that it’s a very prestigious country club and, as we were told by the man that followed me around to make sure i didn’t break any rules, that a spike from a bridesmaid’s heel could cost the course $4,000. soooo, we obviously followed the rules. :D geoff was also told that he was not allowed to check a voicemail out in the hall, but that he had to go outside for that…which cracked me up. this club is serious stuff!

but what it lacked in freedom it made up for with its gorgeousness, delicious food (or so i hear because i still can’t eat much), and overall coolness because hey – i was at the oakmont country club! NEAT.

bridesmaids wedding party oakmont country club wedding pittsburgh wedding photographer oakmont country club photographer oakmont wedding oakmont country club wedding

they are a seriously good looking couple!

bride and groom first dance wedding reception oakmont country club

this picture never fails to crack me up on chris and his jumping sister. THIS IS FOR YOU, KAIT.

wedding reception wedding reception oakmont country club

it was a great wedding that i was so happy to be a part of! it was an honor to be able to photograph such an intimate ceremony and to be able to shoot inside the oakmont country club. :) congratulations to the newlyweds and please keep in touch! and thank you, luke, nicole, and chris, for making this happen!

AWESOME wedding for a gal who looooves color such as myself. had a tremendously difficult time narrowing this post down. valerie and kenneth have been together for 7 years when valerie’s best friend introduced her to kenneth while he was playing football for duke. they don’t golf, but had their wedding at gates four golf and country club in fayetteville, nc on august 21st, and it was a beautiful venue. golf courses make for stellar pics due to the grass and the couple picked beautiful blush, gray, and purple colors for their wedding on TOP of that, so i was pretty much in photographing heaven…not to mention that the couple themselves were both gorgeous people as well as incredibly nice. and without further ado… valerie and kenneth!

raleigh wedding photographer

the groomsmen were outrageously awesome. they were posing geniuses as well.

fayetteville groomsmen lace wedding dress blush bridesmaids bridal party

we took a lot of pictures before the ceremony. this saves tons of time! we busted out geoff’s old school left-handed golf clubs too. ;)

golf course wedding golf course wedding gates four country club wedding gates four country club wedding gates four country club wedding raleigh wedding ceremony wedding ceremony

this is what happens when you have a super cool, smooth-posing, cooperative bridal party. working with the bridal party is one of the most nervewracking parts of my day. mostly because it’s a large group of people to herd around and usually they’re super annoyed with you because it’s hot out and you’re the only thing standing between them and the alcohol and air conditioning. not these guys, though. all of them were SUPER nice and were all about taking more pictures. we got a ton of bridal party shots…all outrageously smoothly posed. you guys rocked this out, bridal party!

raleigh bridal party wedding golf course bridal party


raleigh wedding photographer bridal party


raleigh wedding photographer raleigh portrait photographer gates four golf and country club wedding rings

one of the coolest cakes i’ve ever seen. simple, but the flowered decoration was so unique and the colors were fantastic.

purple wedding cake dance floor raleigh wedding cake cutting photographer

adoooorable kids present at this wedding as well. this is kenneth’s daughter and valerie’s son, now siblings, and also the flower girl and ring bearer. they were rocking it out.

children dancing first dance pictures

hello super awesome LED room lights!

wedding reception lighting dance floor raleigh wedding reception

flower girl knew the words to ever song they played and danced like this the whole time. i was cracking up. prepare to see her on MTV in about 15 years.

flower girl groomsmen reception gates four country club silhouettes wedding reception night portraits night portraits last dance

i hope you love these pictures as much as i do, valerie and kenneth, because you’re about to be heavily used in some CSP advertising. your wedding rocked! congratulations!