A lot of you know I used to be a teacher. When you’re a teacher, you have a class of about 25-30 kids a year (plus their parents). You have initial meetings with them before the first day of school, then you batten down the hatches and go through the year with occasional consults in between. At the end of the year, you say farewell and hope they’ll stop by your class again as they get older.
Photography is not unlike that. I have about 30 couples (for weddings) a year (plus their parents…haha). I have initial consults with them, and then we batten down the hatches and go through the wedding planning, wedding photographing, wedding editing process. At the end of the year I bid them farewell and hope that I’ll see hear from them again down the road, either for a session or for coffee. :) Then I look at the list of the names on my Class of 2012 and think about all that we’re excited for.
So goodbye, Class of 2011! Each and every one of you were fabulous. We went to some incredible places and photographed some of our loveliest weddings yet. Better still, we made a lot of close friends out of some of our clients this year… which is probably the thing that I treasure most out of this job. We’re sooo excited to see what next year brings. Here are our favorites from the Class of 2011 (one picture from each portrait and wedding session we did).

As an added bonus, we’ve decided to show some outtakes of ourselves from some of our portraits and weddings. We take a lot of pictures. And, let’s face it, these are our weekends and weekdays too… so documenting your shindig is essentially documenting our lives… no matter how disheveled we look. ;) And trust us, we look pretty disheveled in some of these. But typically these are after a 10 hour work day with occasionally no food but lots of caffeine, so I’d say we’re looking pretty okay considering! ;) :P I find the evolution of my hairstyle and Geoff’s beard particularly amusing.

Happy, happy new year everyone…. here’s to a healthy, happy, and safe 2012 for all our families, friends, clients, and blog stalkers!