Category: Weddings

So we know that cats were mentioned three times in the actual wedding ceremony for Amy and Ben. They were also mentioned several other times throughout the day in speeches and songs, but we eventually lost track. I should probably keep a notebook tally from now on to determine who wins the award. All that mattered to us is that we had decided once and for all decided that we really like Amy and Ben… and we really respect their intense love of cats.

They live in New York City which we’re envious of, but maybe next time we go we can insist on crashing on their floor (maybe, guys?). Amy just graduated as a physical therapist and Ben’s a software engineer whose company, strangely enough, makes a program called Trello which Geoff uses on a daily basis for our website, his game company, and his work. Another creepy client coincidence! Their wedding was held in Raleigh at Amy’s childhood Temple and they had a fantastically wild and awesome reception.

Best part of the day: we’ve never seen two people more thrilled to see each other for the first look. Lots of crying not necessarily because they were getting married, but because they were just so relieved to actually see each other after being kept apart for the few hours that morning. It was pretty adorable and amazing… as was the rest of their wedding. :)

First Dance Song: “Come Away With Me” – Norah Jones
Amy’s Occupation: Physical Therapist
Ben’s Occupation: Software Developer
How You Met: Through our mutual friend Kelsey! Amy visited Kelsey in NYC when she was in college, and Kelsey introduced Amy to Ben, who she went to Duke with.
Interesting Fact About Amy: Once hitchhiked in desperation when lost in Greece
Interesting Fact About Ben: Is listed on IMDB for being in a documentary
Honeymoon Destination: Maui
Date: September 2nd, 2012
Ceremony Venue: Temple Beth Or // Raleigh, NC
Reception Venue: 1705 Prime // Raleigh, NC
Officiant: Rabbi Lucy Dinner
DJ: Randy Bennett // Joe Bunn DJ Company
Florist: North Raleigh Florist
Cake: Ashley Cakes
Caterer: Rocky Top Catering
Hair: Heather Thomas
Makeup: Courtney from MAC
Vidoegrapher: Southern Video Design
Coordinator: Nicole McMillian // Premier Party Planners

This was a fabulous wedding. I knew it from the minute I saw the llamas. And Meggie and Tanner, of course. This was one of our Skype consultation weddings and we couldn’t have been happier to meet the wonderful pair in person. They were living in two different states at the time of the consult… and then we’ve come to realize that together both of them (and their friends) have probably lived in about all 50 states between them. I’d need some sort of large map with lots of strings and pushpins to adequately explain the states and all of the relationships involved, but you’ll just have to trust me that there’s been a lot. I do know that Meggie was born in Texas and Tanner was born in Kansas and that they both live in Minnesota now, but in between there was Florida and California and North Carolina and several other places that I lost track of quite quickly. But the good news is that they were engaged in Asheville and wanted to have their wedding in the North Carolina mountains, so luckily for us they picked the fantastically amazing wedding venue that is the Hawkesdene House and hired us to photograph it. Yesss! The wedding was in the Smoky Mountains (very close to the Tennessee border) and was awesome.

There was a venue cat (the best type of cat) named Polar and these giant fluffy dogs that lived down the street on the appropriately named Bear Dog Drive. There were llamas and mountains and adorable flower girls and lots of grasshoppers that were attacking Meggie’s dress during most of the portraits. There was an outdoor ceremony by a gorgeous stream and in lieu of traditional wedding venues, Meggie and Tanner bought a cow as part of a program that donates cows to villages to support themselves via the milk and cheese, etc. The venue had a gator (think large, 4-wheel drive golf cart) and hiked Meggie, Tanner, and myself up to the top of the mountain in one of the most treacherous transportation adventures I’ve ever had (worth it!). All in all, it was super awesome, and it was great seeing Meggie and Tanner so adorably in love in one of the prettiest settings on Earth. (P.S. My promise to blog 50 pictures for weddings has clearly gone out the window as of lately… I seriously have no culling self-control).

First Dance Song: “Lucky” – Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat

Meggie’s Occupation: Associate Brand Manager for ConAgra

Tanner’s Occupation: Financial Analyst for Syngenta

How You Met: In business school at the University of Iowa.  Meggie asked Tanner to be her VP in her run for presidency of the student organization and Tanner turned her down.  But Meggie was persistent and finally got a date.

Interesting Fact About Meggie: Loves Pho (a Vietnamese noodle soup)

Interesting Fact About Tanner: Can touch his nose with his tongue

Honeymoon Destination: British Virgin Islands

Date: August 11, 2012

Ceremony and Reception Venue: Hawkesdene House // Andrews, NC

Officiant: Adam Strauss (friend of Meggie and Tanner)

DJ: Alex DJ Entertainment

Florist: Jane Schuelke (mother of the bride)

Pies: Merciers Orchard

Caterer: Hawkesdene House

Hair/Makeup: Rachael Hoch

Sarah and Adam like Seinfeld and their Beagle named Crosby (after the Pittsburgh Penguins player) and good beer. Adam plays in a band and Sarah watches a lot of House Hunters. They met online and it turned out pretty good for them, huh? We think so. We’re glad it worked out because we’re happy to call them clients and friends, and I’m happy to drop off Sarah’s bridal portraits at 10pm and then proceed to get chased around the kitchen in circles by their dog. We’re looking forward to dropping off their wedding pictures so I can do that again. :)

They’re really good people and had a super fun wedding downtown at All Saints Chapel and Marbles. Their bridal party was pretty phenomenal and I even got in some dance moves myself by the end of the night. There was awesome Larry the Bellhop, plastic dinosaurs, stuffed dogs that looked like Crosby, flip flops in lieu of high heels, and a guy who danced wearing a miniature child’s life preserver. I even taught the 8 year old flower girl about depth of field in a DSLR. Everyone won! It was a cool wedding. We love you, Sarah and Adam and wish you nothing but happiness and tasty tasty milkshakes from Fresh.

Sarah’s Occupation: Teacher

Adam’s Occupation: Systems Engineer

How You Met:

Interesting Fact About Sarah: She is a cheese connoisseur.

Interesting Fact About Adam: He is a drummer.

Honeymoon Destination: Italy

Date: August 4, 2012

Ceremony  Venue: All Saints Chapel // Raleigh, NC

Reception Venue: Marbles Kids Museum // Raleigh, NC

Officiant: Rev. Robin Renteria

DJ: Eric Hodgden // All Around Raleigh DJ

Florist: Julie Liles for Ceremony // Bride for Reception

Cake: Rachel Smith // Tartlette Treats

Caterer: Green Planet Catering

Hair/Makeup: Courtney at Blo

Videographer: Rob Johnson