Category: Weddings

The South is normally a bundle of sunshiney cheer, but this winter has been rough. And by “rough” I mean in the 30s and 40s and a lot of rain. That’s pretty “freaking awesome!” when you live in the north, but it’s atypically cold and wet for North Carolina. Unfortunately Kirsten and Michael’s wedding day was no exception to the “ugh” that’s been this winter here – cold and rainy.

But – and prepare yourselves for me to get totally cheesy right now – this couple has been a great ray of sunshine for us. Ohhh! So cheesy, but so true. They’ve been great. Genuinely nice people whose love is very evident for each other and the people around them. Kirsten bought me a scarf to say thank you before their wedding because she’s the sweetest girl ever. I took a few pictures of Michael staring at Kirsten in the most adorable way possible during the ceremony while their witnesses were signing their marriage license. Finally, just when I thought they were too cute, Kirsten’s dad gave a speech: Kirsten and her family are from Zimbabwe, where it’s traditional for a groom to pay a Labola to the bride’s parents in exchange for their daughter. It’s typically in cash or cattle. So Michael gave Kirsten’s parents a large teddy-bear shaped container filled with animal crackers.

When you’re looking at how cute they are, keep reminding yourself that Kirsten not only made her wedding cake, but her wedding dress. Yes, the whole thing. I still have my mom sew buttons on my coat when they fall off, so consider that.

Date: February 23, 2013

Ceremony Venue: Jones Chapel at Meredith College // Raleigh, NC

Reception Venue: The Pavilions at the Angus Barn // Raleigh, NC

First Dance Song: “Green Eyes” – Cold Play

Kirsten’s Occupation: Sommelier

Michael’s Occupation: Doctor

How You Met: Wine Tasting

Interesting Bride Fact: Kirsten is a Zimbabwean trillionaire!

Interesting Groom Fact: Michael had to pay lebola (African brideprice)

Honeymoon Location: Shh! It’s a secret!

Vendor Credits: Officiant – Rufus Massengill // Band – The Dickens // Cake – Kirsten Holshausen, yay! // Caterer – The Angus Barn // Hair – Dani Begley // Makeup – Kirsten Holshausen

Before her wedding, Kathryn had 1.) a nightmare that we didn’t show up and 2.) a nightmare that I wrote something really terrible about her on our blog. We successfully avoided nightmare #1 – we did, indeed, show up to photograph her wedding. Now it’s time for nightmare #2! ::drumroll please::

Kathryn is…  Ummmm. Kathryn’s wedding was… ahhh….

Nope. I’ve got nothing. Nothing terrible to say at all. :( Nightmare #2 has been debunked. ;) It’s safe to continuing reading now, Kat… all your fears have been dispelled!

We met a long time ago. Kathryn and I went to school together (middle and high school) and got in trouble a lot in class. I remember getting in trouble in some sort of high school class where she sat in front of me. She remembers getting in trouble in 8th grade art class, specifically, from copying my paper. We talked a lot and teachers didn’t like us so much for that. :) Kathryn graduated a year ahead of me and I bid adieu at the time to my lovely friend.

We have been reunited over her wedding and it was an honor to join her and her fantastic husband Mike at their wedding. Brittany, her maid of honor was also a friend of mine from middle/high school (and we went to go see our first concert together which was Ringo Starr… sorry if I just publicly embarrassed you, Brittany). Geoff and I loved meeting and getting to know Mike, who is a fantastic fit for Kathryn, and an all-around general super nice and personable human being. We with them nothing but the best of luck and happiness in their lives and with their two pups!

Date: February 16, 2013

Ceremony and Reception Venue: Jay Verno Studios // Pittsburgh, PA

First Dance Song: “A Woman Like You” – Lee Brice

Kathryn’s Occupation: Yearbook Sales Representative

Mike’s Occupation: Project Manager at a concrete company

How You Met:

Interesting Bride Fact: Still sleeps with a blankey and brings it everywhere.

Interesting Groom Fact: Is deathly afraid of small birds and think they’re going to take over the world.

Honeymoon Location: Our house and then maybe Antigua

Vendor Credits: DJ – Eric Schiemer // Florist – Vicki Larson // Cake – Oakmont Bakery // Caterer – Amelia’s Elegant Catering // Hair&Makeup – Brooke Rockwell and Mac

There was a 100% gluten free cake at this wedding (carrot cake, yum!) that I could eat, but that wasn’t even the best part. The best part was the honey badger cake toppers. They are sharing a snake. The catering staff stood around and all made guesses as to what sort of animal they were. “Is that skunk?” “Why do they have a ribbon in their mouth?” Next to the cake sat a stuffed honey badger, a gift from their friend, who walked by and told me, “He says inappropriate things. He came with a parental advisory sticker.”

Monica and Graham became our clients at some point last year when we bonded over our gluten allergy and invited them over for gluten-free pizza and Woodchuck cider. We’ve forced our friendship upon them ever since and get together for pizza when we’re all not busy. They exploded Mentos and Diet Coke in their engagement session with us and have since bought a cat that they named Tesla. They’re a lot smarter than we are but they don’t hold it against us. They had an awesome wedding at the NC Museum of Natural Sciences surrounded by sciencey things and dinosaurs and honey badgers and lived happily ever after.

Date: December 15, 2012

Monica’s Occupation: Perpetual student (PhD candidate, Environmental Toxicology at NC State)

Graham’s Occupation: Continuous student (PhD candidate, Particle Physics at NC State)

How You Met: North Carolina Governor’s School during high school

Interesting Bride Fact: Played the bassoon in middle and high school. Fact: it’s the coolest instrument ever. Look it up.

Interesting Groom Fact: Has an irrational fear of being hit by a meteorite.

Honeymoon Location: Big island of Hawaii

Ceremony and Reception Location: North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences // Raleigh, NC

Officiant: Rev. Robin Renteria

DJ: DJ Stephen Scott Professional Entertainment // Rob

Florist: Catering Works // Joe Barnes

Cake: The Celiac Cakery // Noreen Fitzmaurice

Catering: Catering Works

Hair: Alter Ego Hair Salon

Makeup: Belle Trachtenberg

Honey Badger Cake Toppers: Bonjour Poupette (Etsy)