Durham Family Photographer

Carolyn Scott is a Durham family photographer. She specializes in candid and documentary at-home family photography in the Triangle area (Durham, Raleigh, Chapel Hill, Cary, etc). Carolyn’s work has been published in several popular books and magazines, including Apartment Therapy, BuzzFeed, and Fangoria. Locally, she’s been voted Best Photographer in Durham Magazine’s Best Of Durham and INDY Week’s Best of the Triangle. She lives in South Durham with her husband Geoff and three cats.

It was so fun reuniting with Amber and Nick! Last time I photographed them, Amber was pregnant with Quinn, and now Quinn is an active and spunky child who really just wanted to play hide and seek instead of taking photos but who begrudgingly permitted photos anyway. She is a highly entertaining force who enjoys art, microscopes, animals, and baking. After taking a nap at school when she was younger, Quinn developed the habit of waking up at 4am, so Amber would supply Quinn with a variety of baking ingredients to occupy her. No recipe, just a bunch of different things that you could hypothetically make a cookie or a pancake with. Quinn would mix a bunch of things together to her satisfaction, and Amber and Nick then developed the tradition of actually baking whatever it was she put together and eating it (or attempting to eat it, depending on the ingredient combination I suppose). I think this is absolutely delightful. So now Quinn loves to bake. She’s still experimenting. Nick says that most of her experiments end in a crepe-like quality, so I suggested adding Nutella to the ingredient line-up, which was a stunning success according to Quinn, Amber, and Nick. Evie, the older sister, however, did not try it, which I think is potentially a safe route to take depending on experiments you’ve eaten in the past.

Evie is a total delight. She’s in high school between her freshman and sophomore year, and typically that age of people is not thought of as delightful, but Evie really is. She is kind and considerate and smart and enjoys Nirvana and the Ramones and taking Japanese. She loves her dogs and plays instruments and enjoys playing with Quinn. She’s a super good kid and I had a great time getting to know her. She has a picture of Dolly Parton holding a kitten in her room and I think that’s the best. She called Nick’s taste in music “Dad Rock” and now I realize that the term “Dad Rock” is used to describe music I listened to in high school instead of what my dad listened to in high school, and that was a startling realization on my end. Moon and Theo the Dogs also joined us – Moon is a quiet elder doggo and Theo is fluffy chaos energy and I love them both. It was so great photographing these guys all together in this moment. They are a creative and amazing family.

These folks (and their cats) are near and dear to my heart! I met them back when they were a husband and wife photography team, photographed them after they had changed careers and before they had Julian, then photographed them most recently in early 2020 when Julian was just learning how to walk. Now Sara has grown her astrology business into a super successful career and has published books and planners, Sam works for a major company, and Julian is not only walking but flying between rooms. It’s been so fun to see the changes in all of them throughout the years. Their adorable cats, though, have held steady and are exactly the same and still very adorable. Biscuit and Miss Poofy (see if you can determine who is who) made appearances in exchange for treats and head scratches and were very good models. Julian is a little wild ball of 4 year-old energy that is friendly and sweet and LOVES cats. He also loves making tea in the backyard out of sand and water from the swimming pool, gardening, and reading. He’s a super successful reader who just picked up on reading himself – one day his parents just found that Julian was able to read – and I imagine that one day they’ll wake up to find that Julian has also picked up on calculus by himself, or maybe astrophysics. He’s just that sort of kid. He gave me lots of hugs when I left and asked if he could get in my car so I could take him to Marbles.

Cliftonnnn! I photographed this kiddo last year and his parents warned me that he was slow to warm up, but we were BFFs immediately. Something about people that like cats meeting other people that like cats and agreeing to always be friends. Clifton is my buddy. During this session he really enjoyed excitedly showing me things like his smoothie, the cup that he was drinking his smoothie out of, the color of his smoothie, the straw inside the smoothie, etc. He also enjoyed showing me his cat Jackson, who we once again gently pried from his stranger-danger hiding place to excitedly admire before he quickly ran away from us (we’re so sorry JJ, we love you). Clifton also liked having conversations such as:

Clifton: We went on vacation!
Me: Where did you go?
Clifton: We went on vacation!
Me: Yes, but to where? Was there a beach? Were there mountains?
Clifton: We went on vacation!

He’s my favorite. It was so nice to see this family again and to to see how much taller Clifton got and how much higher he can jump and that he likes kayaking now. He’s one of the most joyous little kids I’ve met and excited about everything. But mostly cats. And I respect that so much.