Category: Couples

This is the year of really, really talented people inquiring for us to do their photo sessions and us being really nervous and scared and feeling generally unprepared and not talented enough for their talent. It’s been kinda like this. So Kayla Coleman, our internet photographer friend who produces seriously amazing photographs in really fabulous places, contacted us to do an anniversary session with herself and her husband Pat and we accepted after exactly three panic attacks. My thoughts were: her photography work makes me nervous and feeling terribly inadequate, but she’s gorgeous, so what the heck, let’s do it.

And the good news is that we survived the session and it went GREAT and we finally got to meet our dear internet friend in person (which is very important and should be done more often). We also got to meet her awesome husband Pat who’s had his picture taken many times and was one of the most cooperative (and pose-savvy) gentleman we’ve had the pleasure of working with. Kayla is even more gorgeous in person and we’re all working on getting her accept that compliment, but in the meantime you’ll have to settle for looking at their anniversary portraits below. :) CONGRATULATIONS, FRIENDS! We are absolutely honored to have been your photographers this year!