Category: Couples

Becca+Andy // At Home.

Becca and Andy e-mailed us with the task of photographing them in their renovated 70s house around their 10 year wedding anniversary. We love doing sessions at home, and we love anniversary sessions even more, and we love 70s contemporary architecture even more than that. So when we arrived at Becca and Andy’s 70s contemporary architecture paradise of a house, we were delighted. And then we saw that they have the same giant cat face pillow that we have. And the same doormat! And the same ceiling fan! And the same living room poofs! And while we don’t have any other actual objects in common, we do envision ourselves stealing the rest of their objects. Or, at the very least, telling us where they got them.

Their house is tremendously remodeled, all by them and with some help of some other handy people. It is absolutely beautiful, and has tons of light and a metal ceiling next to a wooden ceiling and a garage door in their living room and little built-in vase shelves and a wall full of little dots. They continue to work on the house (even though it doesn’t need it because it’s beautiful), but we were happy to document them in their current space at this current time. They are delightful people who know a lot about traveling and music and houses and we hope to absorb some of their knowledge and continue to use it for the power of good. I only trust people who have pillows in the shape of a giant cat face.

Here’s the 6th annual blog post of unprofessional pictures we’ve taken of each other while working. Bad light, bad hair, usually chewing food. Climbing on things and riding on the backs of golf carts and swimming and sitting on the floors of grocery stores and standing in the road. Hair of every conceivable color. Working with dogs that we can never successfully wrangle. Working with bridal parties that we can only kind of successfully wrangle. Glitter beards! Real beards! Connecticut and Italy and Pennsylvania and Tennessee and Virginia (YAAAHHHH)! Five different guys named John. Faking it til we make it. Although in business year 8 I guess we should probably stop faking it at some point and actually know what we’re doing. Maybe next year…but no promises.

The “Making Fools of Ourselves” posts started in 2011 at the end of our Class of 2011 post. Here’s a look at younger versions of us.