We did a shoot with Janice Smith of Big Dog Little Bed Productions way back in 2015 (see it here!) when I was just starting to become the creepily obsessed stalker of her dog named Toby. She wasn’t super concerned about my drooling over his fluffy adorable fluffness at the time but I think over time she’s come to realized just how serious I am about him. I call her from hotel rooms at 11pm to say things like, “Hey Janice! We just made it to Blacksburg! Are you still awake? Can I come see Toby? What’s your room number? Oh… you just got in bed? Okay…I guess I’ll see him tomorrow.” And then I call at 8am to say things like, “Hey Janice! We are awake! Are you awake? Can I come see Toby? You’re downstairs? Okay, we will be right down!” And I’m not totally sure what she thinks about my constant comments on her Instagram regarding him or my texting her to ask about him occasionally but you know what? I don’t really care. Toby is my dog soulmate. My love for him is broken down into several parts:

50% Unreal orange fluff
30% Playing like a total spaz with arms straight out in what I’ve come to call “invisible casts” and romping around like he’s done five lines of cocaine
20% Unrequited love (he does tolerate me and occasionally seek me out for head pats, but part of me enjoys the fact that every single photo I take with him involves him literally rolling his eyes or actively trying to escape)

Anyway, Janice told me that Toby doesn’t like it when girls come on too strong to him, so I’m trying to refrain from making this entire post about him. Janice is a dear friend of ours, an extremely talented female bossy lady videographer, a Durhamite, a lover of pups big and small (the small, also adorable, far more loving and friendly doggo in these pictures is Murphy), a trusted colleague, and a wearer of vests and fanny packs. We have a little too much fun photobombing her at weddings (there are probably many minutes of footage she’s accumulated and cut out) and we love her dearly. It was with great pleasure that we photographed her new promo photos for her wedding and commercial videography company Big Dog Little Bed. She is hilarious and charming and adorable and beautiful and intelligent and can rock 1977 dad glasses like there’s no tomorrow. This shoot makes me smile because Janice makes me smile. Also Toby.

This maternity session had all the things we want out of any session: a Laura Palmer meanwhile hands tattoo, a David Lynch shrine, two English bulldogs, and a listening of “Bodhisattva” by Steely Dan. Also, Sarah’s haircut and X-Files discussions. We like them both a whole bunch, even if they didn’t have the world’s two most adorable English bulldogs who have the quintessential protruding jaws that any self-respecting bulldog would have. They also stick their legs out completely straight and have a bunch of face-rolls (the dogs… not Sarah and Chris) and their names are Seamus and Sasquatch. The point of this session was to document Sarah’s pregnancy and her and Chris’s life together with the pups before the arrival of baby boy in February, and we happily did just that in their wonderful home. Seamus is also getting up there in bulldog years so it was important to photograph his squishy face (he is the lighter, tanner bulldog). Sasquatch is his newer brother who was a gift to Chris on their wedding day (cutest squishiest gift ever).

Sarah and Chris met in St. Louis. Chris wore this exactly plaid shirt on their first date, as well as during their engagement pictures, and now during their maternity pictures. I officially declare that the most thoughtful and charming clothing choice from any guy we’ve photographed. He also has a pretty killer vintage Star Wars mug that has continuity clothing issues (which makes it even more awesome) and he’s seen Phish over 50 times. Sarah is very much into all things David Lynch and I firmly believe that she should be crowned Miss Twin Peaks and be presented with some sort of “Save the Pine Weasel” pin. Both Chris and Sarah are concerned their kid will like pop music in the future, but we agree that yacht rock type pop of the late 70s is 100% acceptable and even encouraged. We are excited to bring you more of these people (and pups) next month when we meet their baby who we’re sure will be totally badass straight out of the womb.

Doing promotional photography for local businesses is such a fun job. Not only do we get to meet new people and discover new places, but we get to help them promote themselves which enables them to be successful. Plus, all small business owners are kindred spirits, eh? So it’s nice to be able to work for and with each other to promote everyone’s work. It especially gives me joy when promoting other female business owners in the area, so it’s with great pleasure that we introduce you to a wonderful downtown Raleigh business called The Design Gallery Salon! Heather and Lauren are the lady bosses there, and they have an incredible crew assembled with Casie (front desk multitasking genius), Terri (hair stylist who never complains), Lindsey (hair stylist with a fabulous sense of humor), and Neilie (esthetician who smiles a lot). They moved a few years ago from their previous location to a coveted spot in downtown Raleigh’s City Market where they’re quite established and have a loyal following of wonderful clients. We were brought in to take some updated pics of their crew and space, and we couldn’t have had more fun working with these wonderful women! So if you’re in the market for a trim downtown, visit http://www.designgallerysalon.com/. Also, much thanks and kudos to Erin Kelly Makeup for working with the ladies on the shoot!