Kathy and Andrew are beloved previous wedding clients of ours from way back in 2012 where their wedding culminated in a fierce game of competitive ping pong. We’ve since followed their many adventures living in Chicago, and now their current adventures back in the Triangle. Most of these adventures involve Andrew decorating his beard in some way, or pictures of their adorable cats Brewer (tabby!) and Addy (calico!). Now they’ve embarked on the brand new adventures of both homeownership and parenthood, and kindly asked us to capture a bit of both. Their newest addition’s name is Alden, and his favorite activities involve staring into your soul with intense, prolonged eye contact the likes of which I’ve never seen in a baby, and hanging out with his mom and dad (in between staring into their souls as well). And when I mean he stares into your soul, I mean HE STARES INTO YOUR SOUL. It’s the type of eye contact where you’re like, woah! I feel like this person knows literally everything about me right now, and I’m a bit uncomfortable, even though it’s a baby. He definitely is 100% probably clairvoyant. If I photograph him as a toddler or a teenager, I may make Kathy and Andrew sign a nondisclosure agreement depending on how discreet he is with his release of information.

When he’s not finding out literally everything about you via telepathy, he makes cute faces and has adorable cheeks and hangs out in his rad house. The cats aren’t troubled by him (probably because he’s able to communicate with them mentally somehow) and allowed us to give them some belly rubs while we were there! We did not give belly rubs to Kathy or Andrew despite them also being adorable, but I might have pat Kathy on the head once or twice because I like her haircut. We are quite happy to see our clients doing fab things years later, and we loved meeting the littlest members of Kathy and Andrew’s home!

WHAT IS BETTER THAN A LITTLE WEDDING IN JAMAICA?! A little wedding in Jamaica surrounded by some wonderful peeps who treat you like one of their own on an all-inclusive resort that regularly brings you pina coladas, that’s what. Alyssa and Ben are truly the best, and Alyssa is one of the few people that I can regularly text in all caps about everything, knowing that she’ll also text me back in all caps. I think all of our wedding e-mails also ended in about 50+ emojis. At first they started out tropical-themed, but then they degraded over time into completely random emojis for no reason since we had already used up all the tropical ones. Their senses of humor are already quite apparent to a lot of you who’ve seen their sneak peeks online but words still can’t accurately describe Alyssa and Ben and their entire group of people. They are wonderfully kind and thoughtful and everything good, but I appreciate their ridiculous humor the most. They played Toto through a fanny pack speaker system on a regular basis the entire week we were there (also Weezer covering Toto for good measure). All the bridesmaids got matching temporary butt tattoos, applied only after a thorough inspection of each individual to assess what the “best cheek” was and a group vote. There was some sort of “FWA FWA FWA” alarm noise that they’d all make in unison really loudly and for no discernible reason that I could understand but I appreciated nonetheless.

When we land these sorts of gigs everyone always asks how we did it, so here’s a small back story. Alyssa and Ben were connected and reconnected with us through Matt+Jamie who had their wedding in New York last year. I mistakenly identified Alyssa as a bridesmaid and kept asking her to do things for me (which she did because she’s nice), and I had actually gone to high school with Ben and Matt (they were a couple years younger than me). It was super nice to see Ben and Matt again, and I had thoroughly befriended Alyssa when I realized that her and Ben were together! We discussed nose piercings for a good while that evening, and then we got an e-mail asking us to go to Jamaica several months later. So, fellow wedding photographers, always ask wedding guests for help and then discuss nose piercings with them and also have gone to high school with their partners, and you’ll be in Jamaica in no time.

We went on tropical excursions! We jumped off probably unsafe cliffs into what was definitely unsafe pools of crystal blue waters! We climbed up 100% unsafe limestone rock waterfalls with like 5,000 other tourists! We sang the Fern Gully bat song. We listened to more Bob Marley than I would’ve ever thought humanly possible. We went snorkeling! At some point I was in some sort of on-resort night club dancing to that “boots with the fur” song wearing leggings with a composition notebook print. We searched high and low for carved wooden cats off-resort, only to be greeted by AN ENTIRE LOBBY FULL OF CARVED WOODEN CATS at the resort when we returned (Geoff would only let me take home two cats… a real shame… but they both got flagged at the airport). We kayaked! We waved our arms around some sort of glowing algae in a lagoon! We got stung by a lot of tiny microscopic jellyfish! We ate the best jerk chicken cooked by some dude wearing a chef’s hat who sat every day at the end of the beach with a giant grill! The adventures were endless and wonderful.

Alyssa and Ben – we love love love love you. Thank you for taking us on a trip of a lifetime and trusting us and going out to stand on sketchy rocks with us forever and ever amen. Keep texting us in all caps.



Date: June 29, 2018
Ceremony + Reception Venue: Sunscape Cove, Montego Bay, Jamaica
Ben’s Occupation: Mechanical Engineer
Alyssa’s Occupation: Commercial Insurance Sales
How You Met: FACEBOOK — whaaaaat???
Interesting Fact: We both had animals named after Disney Movies before we even met…..then we continued with 2 cats and named them Rajah and Abu, like my favorite Disney movie Aladdin.
Honeymoon: BOCA RATON, FL — Aunt and Uncle are going to England for 2 weeks and we get the HOUSE FOR A WEEK!

I have so, so much to say about Alyssa+Ben’s amazingness and how we ended up in Jamaica with them, but I’mma save that all for their wedding blog post. So for now, just be satisfied with these pictures of Alyssa and Ben tackling each other and faceplanting in the water together. Rest assured that it was like 900 degrees with 900% humidity when we shot these, and admire how little they look like they’re sweating. Gaze upon the gloriousness of a Jamaican beach and know that somewhere, somehow, Bob Marley is playing softly in the distance. And please enjoy a pina colada on our behalf as you look through these. BRB with their wedding.