Geoff and I were so thrilled to finally have our first wedding in NYC! We’ve shot sessions there a few times, but we’re glad that we’re able to end our last year as wedding photographers with an actual NYC wedding under our belts thanks to Diana and Long. We’ve always felt like they might be logistical travel challenges (do we take the subway? do we take an Uber? what about traffic?), but the truth is that we’ve had many local Durham weddings that were significantly harder to navigate, and it actually ended up being a breeze. We got outside Diana’s hotel early enough for Geoff to grab a Central Park hot dog (a requirement), and we were on our way.

One of my favorite parts of Central Park is the pond area, where it’s green and watery but you can see all the reflections of the 5th Ave buildings in the water and in the background, and we were lucky enough that Diana was getting ready right in The Pierre. So we took photos directly in that area on one of the nicest weather days and it was lovely. Then we hopped on over to Queens for Diana and Long’s wedding ceremony at the Museum of the Moving Image which was incredible! A movie theater about movies, there are a lot of phenomenal displays in there, including a permanent Jim Henson exhibit where I got to take a selfie with the original Emmet Otter puppet, sad Christmas movie legend. Chewbacca’s head also resides there, as well as a ton of vintage toys and old computer and video game systems. If you’re ever in Queens you should check it out.

Diana and Long were surrounded by their families and friends as they got married in the awesome blue theater, some family members coming from as far away as China, and it was a heart-felt event. They celebrated their reception catching up with loved ones and doing a phenomenally choreographed first dance. Their wedding was music themed, and they had great table cards shaped like cassettes, and different records identifying each table. A lot of time and thought went into their decor, and it was sweet to see what music brought them together. They are super kind and fun-loving people, and we were so happy to work with them on their wedding. It was a big deal for us to have a wedding in NYC, and we’re happy it got to be with them.

Date: May 18, 2019
Ceremony+Reception Venue: Museum of the Moving Image // Queens, NY
Officiant: Friend
Florist: Bride
Dessert: Bibble & Sip
Caterer: Eventfull
Hair/Makeup: Red Image
Videographer: WeCinema

A lot of my photography depicts super happy times in the lives of people, but it’s also necessary to document the not-so-happy times. Even though it might not seem like it now, the not-so-happy times are still happy because you’re together. So even while you’re fighting a difficult battle, you have each other, and every day is worth celebrating.

It’s the celebration of Zoe’s life that brought Spencer and Ed to me, and I was happy to help them document the love that they have for her, and she for them. It was a bittersweet session, but the sweet outweighs the bitter in that they care so much for this adorable little pup, and they are making sure she makes the most out of her life and is living happily and comfortably in her remaining days. The photos were taken in the gorgeous front yard garden of their house (Ed has worked so hard on it!).

Spencer adopted Zoe when she was just 12 weeks old, and they have an incredibly close bond. That bond was shared when Spencer fell in love with Ed three years ago, and now Zoe loves them both (and vice versa). Zoe, at age 6.5, was diagnosed with lymphoma. While a little tired between rounds of chemo, she is still a major cuddlebug, and happily follows Spencer and Ed around. It was a joy to get to know her fluffy face and to capture the bond between this family (minus the cat, who was out galavanting but I’m sure he shares the same sentiments). I wish Zoe the best with her treatment and care, and know that she has two very loving parents who are making sure she knows she’s loved.

Martha and Justin are dear friends of ours whose wedding we photographed way back in 2011 (!!) and whom we’ve played many games of Killer Bunnies with ever since. Martha’s from Chicago and Justin’s from Minnesota, but they met in Chicago. Martha left to attend Duke, and Justin joined shortly thereafter… and they both became Durhamites through and through. Here they adopted a cat and later had a real human child named Emilia, who is the friendliest and most adorable kid on earth. She is a fantastic hugger and excited ALL THE TIME! and also loves pizza. She is also incredibly patient, especially for a 2.5 year old. I’ve seen her look lovingly at pizza that wasn’t hers (while clapping) yet remaining seated (!) and just politely sitting there until her pizza arrived. I’ve seen grown adults who can’t do that and have zero chill when it comes to waiting for pizza (namely my husband).

Now they are sadly (to us!) moving to Minnesota, and taking their knowledge of amazing food with them (Martha helped us discover the joy that is pupusas, and, of course, El Cuscatleco). We will miss them greatly. They wanted a family session that documented a little bit of their time spent in Durham at the playground in Central Park and The Parlour, where Emilia makes the best ice cream eating face. It’s like the face you would make to imitate a tiger, only instead you’re just eating ice cream. I love her. And them. When we visit you in Minnesota you have to promise you’ll take us to see Prince stuff. xoxo.