I’m so happy to have Dr. Judy Brangman back for a second year of branding photos for her business, The Plant Based MD. I worked with her first back in 2018 and am so glad she’s kept in touch ever since! Judy is absolutely delightful – a thoughtful woman who’s passionate about health and wellness via an entirely plant-based diet. She might know more about fruits and vegetables than anyone I know, and she certainly knows how to prepare them in all sorts of different ways. Judy’s been looking to shoot inside her kitchen for a while and we finally got our schedules together to make it happen. She showed up with 2 entirely full bags of fruits and vegetables and we got to work! It’s fun to listen to her talk about different recipes she makes (she has an easy tofu marinating recipe) and how different veggies impact your health directly. To learn more, please visit her site and follow her on social media! Judy is always posting new tips and info.

This family is near and dear to my heart because they are 100% ridiculous and remind me of my own family. They have never taken themselves seriously any time I’ve worked with them, and they keep me laughing the entire time without fail. I feel very at home with them… fake guns and all. Julie and Robert are the parents of Hannah and Ben. Ben is married to Jennifer, and together they have a son named Dalton. There are also three dogs involved… one of which hates when you hold anything in your hand, but thankfully was distracted from my camera by Julie’s assortment of sunflowers, which he promptly and aggressively destroyed. We took these in Julie and Robert’s beautiful backyard where they built large block buildings (that were immediately torn apart by Dalton and his “The Orange One” Ninja Turtle), played hide and go seek, and played a board game that involves robbing people and included fake guns (FAKE GUNS! No one gave a real gun to a child here, people, relax, they’re made of wood). Dalton did not want to be involved in the pictures whatsoever so we had to trick him by making him choose superhero poses for the rest of his family members and instruct them in the front. It worked but only for like 8 seconds. I love these guys.

dog jumping