I’d been in conversation with Mom about doing photos of her sweet family at home that weren’t “cringe-worthy” (my kinda client) and weren’t painfully posed or orchestrated for Dad or Baby Girl. She wanted to do the photos at home (yay!) and I am SO GLAD SHE DID because their home is gorgeous!! They have a beautiful color scheme that’s filled with colors and textures and I just love it. Plus they have insanely great carpets. Like, the softest and fluffiest of all the carpets. So on these carpets I photographed the preciously cute Baby Girl army-crawling herself around, wide-eyed and curious, and eating some book pages while her parents tried to read to her. She also liked to eat her Mom’s necklace a lot (teething stages, amirite) and stare fixedly into the camera (she is a great model). PLUS LOOK AT THOSE PANTS. I would 100% wear those sweatpants now even though I am 90% confident I already had some iteration of them in the 80s. Mom and Dad enjoyed cuddling with Cool Sweatpants Baby Girl a lot and turning her upside down to make her giggle. When they’re not doing turning their kiddo upside down for giggles, Mom is an incredibly creative and stylish woman who enjoys decorating their home and writing. Dad likes video games, technology, and cooking. I absolutely loved working with all three of them – we bonded over lots of similarities, but mostly our deep and undying love for October. And October people stick together.
These guys go way, way back with us. Travis was one of Geoff’s very first friends in North Carolina when they met as coworkers, and then played on the same baseball team. Claire and I would go to the games and kind of watch but mostly talk or read or paint our nails (this makes us sound really girly but actually we’re not). Eventually Claire, a vet pharmacist, accepted a job up in Boston and they left us for the snowy north. Travis, from Michigan, was used to the snow, but we always suspected that Claire, a North Carolina born and raised woman, would come crawling back to us just simply for the weather. So we sat back and waited for them to return and now we’re excited to announce that they are back! With a two-year old!!! This delightful little lady’s name is Makenna, and we met her up in Massachusetts when she was still an infant. Now she’s a squealing, excitable toddler who likes to refer to me as “that one” (obviously we haven’t been around her a lot yet) and enjoys holding my business cards for me (free advertising). It’s a lot of fun seeing Claire and Travis so happy as parents, and little Makenna hit the parental jackpot with two loving, hilarious people to care for her. We’re glad you’re all back.
We’ve been looking forward to working with Sarah ever since she continued to hire us after we found out her last name was Palmer and decided to send her the Twin Peaks clip of Sarah Palmer removing her face with nothing but space and a Cheshire Cat smile underneath. This did not deter our own personal Sarah Palmer from responding to us. Instead, it seemed to encourage her. We liked that. Her and her husband Brandon also like Steely Dan and Monty Python and Halloween so they literally check every single one of my personal boxes of coolness (not sure if this is a low or high bar – probably depends on who you ask). Their wedding was going to include a Monty Python intermission as well as tacos and we were already all in, but then they threw in costumes and we were sold completely. Then they told us that Brandon would be performing “Maybe I’m Amazed” by Paul McCartney for Sarah Palmer, but then their friend would come out to “Jump” by Van Halen and he did…in complete spandex leggings with see-through mesh sides. Then a banana got dressed up and a space man danced like a robot and somebody put on underpants on the outside of their real pants and things got real strange. Not Sarah Palmer removing her space face strange, but a happy, wedding strange that only people who really prefer Halloween to every other holiday can enjoy and appreciate. We love you Sarah Palmer and Brandon – thank you for having us be a part of your world.
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Date: September 28, 2019 Ceremony+Reception Venue: The Barn at Valhalla // Chapel Hill, NC First Dance Song: “Harvest Moon” – Neil Young Sarah’s Occupation: School Psychologist Brandon’s Occupation: Musician How You Met: Brandon went to college with Janelle and Michael in PA (Juniata College). Grad school at UNC (school psychology program) brought Janelle and Michael to NC, where they met Sarah. After a year of working for Habitat for Humanity in LA, Brandon moved to NC on a whim. About 6 months later we started dating! Interesting Face: Brandon and Sarah play Mario Kart together at least once a day, will always order fried pickles if they’re on the menu, and throw a killer Halloween party. Honeymoon: Mexico Officiant: Michael Meadows MC: Adam Stanley Florist: Pine State Flowers- assembled and delivered by friend Natalie Reder Donuts: Monuts Caterer: Nuvo Taco (formerly NanaTaco) Hair: Rachel from Syd’s Hair Shop in Carrboro Makeup: Sarah Palmer Coordinator: Michael Meadows