AWWww, you guys! I love seeing old clients. And by “old” clients, I mean that when I walked up to greet Michelle and Richard underneath the water tower in American Tobacco, they were both rocking back and forth in side-by-side rocking chairs on their phones and our conversation at one point turned to crocheting and sewing. **drumroll, cymbal crash** But seriously folks! Michelle and Richard are 2015 wedding clients and I was so grateful to see them again! They were in town for Richard’s sister’s wedding and decided to take some updated couple photos with me around American Tobacco. They’ve since moved to Illinois, a couple hours south of Chicago, where Richard teaches sociology and Michelle does lab stuff that sounded kind of complicated. They have cats that they did not bring with them despite me asking (Michelle said they had book club but I suspect a cover up) but we did discuss the cats a lot, as well as our love for Murray Hewitt and podcasts (including one that’s literally all about U2 which can sidle up right besides my all-Pearl-Jam podcast – I’m such a dork). Michelle and Richard are great people and I like them a lot.
Team Emmerika have been our clients for such a long time now (since 2013!) and it’s been so wonderful seeing them grow. We knew them when they were living in an apartment with one cat whom Emmanuel was very allergic to but loved nonetheless. He was a homeless cat they rescued and took care of and his name is Lobo. Now, you should know that Erika and Emmanuel are very doting people. If they like you, you will know, and be a great recipient of their love (and snacks). So even though Emmanuel was allergic to Lobo, they took him in and cleaned him up and loved him fiercely. Then they bought a house! Then, with an adjustment of allergy medications probably?, they adopted two additional cats. THEN they adopted a puppy! THEN they adopted another puppy! And now Lobo lives with 2 other cats, 2 dogs, and one baby (not a cat!) named Felix. And I’m glad, because no one has more love to give away than Erika and Emmanuel… and every single dependent creature who lives with them has the BEST life. Plus, I am extra glad they had a baby because LOOK AT HOW CUTE FELIX IS. IT’S ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE. LOOK AT HIS TINY CORDUROY PANTS. AND HIS LIL FACE. AND THE SIDE EYE HE OCCASIONALLY GIVES HIS PARENTS. I want to squeeze him and steal him and never let him grow up and out of those tiny corduroy pants. The cutest, handsomest gentleman who likes to give me high-fives and talk about cats. He is loved by many and will do great things. His name is Felix but he is not a cat.
P.S. Thank you to Quail Ridge Books, a favorite stomping ground of Erika and Emmanuel, for letting us take some pictures inside your store!
P.P.S. Thank you to Helen, who is always such a big help on shoots and a wonderful grandma to Felix!
It was such a joy to be asked by Tosha and Brian, the talented photographer and DJ duo behind Story+Rhythm, to photograph their new branding photos for them! We worked with them back in 2015 (time flies!) and so I was super excited to reunite with them! Tosha is the photographer in this relationship and Brian is the DJ. Sometimes they work together, and sometimes separately. I think it’s neat how they’re partners in the same industry but have completely different jobs and roles. It’s always fascinating to talk with different vendors to see what happens to them behind the wedding scenes! So Tosha, Brian, and myself walked about the city and discussed weddings and venues and photography life without Geoff. Geoff’s been missing all of my recent client reunions because he’s retired now, but he did happen to be downtown for a work conference on this particular day and was sticking around so we could go see Coheed afterward at the Ritz. While my face was in the viewfinder, he sidled up next to me and I definitely thought my camera was going to get stolen, but nope, it was just Geoff. So he did get to say hello to Tosha and Brian – hah! It was so much fun to work with them again. If you need a wedding photographer or a DJ, please check out their awesome work!