Sanket is a real estate developer in the Durham area who specializes in the development of hotels and senior living facilities, and I’m so glad I got to work with him on this mini headshot session! He’s been in the development business for many years but is now branching off on his own and needed some new headshots for the venture. I had such a good time with him and his wife discussing the finer points of Seinfeld and our mutual love for U2. Sanket also taught me a bit about the development industry which I find fascinating. I had a great time working with him and revamping his headshots!
Dr. Paula Kline and Dr. Jackie Camp are longtime friends, psychologists, and business partners that run an adult psychology private practice together in Raleigh, NC. Their clients are extremely important to them and they want them to feel as comfortable as possible, so we wanted to do a branding session that would present a friendly, authentic feel and showcase their family relationships. Paula and Jackie are extremely close, almost like sisters, and their families work and play together all the time. And since we wanted this session to be more play than work, we did the combined family-branding shoot at Pullen Park, which was such a great idea! We did some headshots and some family portraits and watched some ducks and sketched some superheroes and blew some bubbles on a lovely 60 degree winter day (then we stopped by their office after hours to take some office shots). Jackie and Seth’s daughter Hazel did some hilarious giggling and tiger roaring, and Paula and Aaron’s daughter Sydney did some amazing art sketches and talked to me about her pin jacket collection (which I loved!). These families love each other so much and it’s evident by their interactions, and I’m so happy I got to take their branding photos to show that to their clients.
When I was charged with photographing this super sweet family, I was warned that the kids were fast. Like, super fast. I’m pretty used to fast kids but CAITI WAS RIGHT, THEY WERE SO FAST. Particularly Max, who was like photographing a bird, and sometimes he was in the frame and sometimes just kind of blurrily passing through it. But I adore photographing speedy children – they add a quality of movement and spontaneity that’s the whole reason I love photographing families. Max, the super fast older brother, lives at home with his chill, kind parents Caiti and Lou and his younger brother Leo. Leo is an adorable, adorable, adorable little mane of crazy blonde hair and a bit of a mischievous smile. Max is friendly, silly, and clearly destined for track and field. Together the brothers love having fun together. They play with trains, attempt to pet the cats (Monkey and Business… amazing cat names), play on their jungle gym in the backyard, and throw rocks in the creek. They warmed up to photos quickly and I’m fairly certain they’ll be excellent Carolyn Scott Photography interns in the future.