
If I ever tell you that I watched some weird horror movie recently but mostly talked about the themed food that accompanied it, chances are these were the other people involved. The best of those situations, in my opinion, was when we made assorted deviled eggs for the Easter horror movie about a giant killer bunny, and the worst was when we tried to put spaghetti in a plastic brain mold for Halloween Ends. They can’t all be winners. Jon makes amazing fried pickles, and Jen makes the best charcuterie boards. And there to pick up all the pieces that we drop on the floor, is SamSam, their… black… golden retriever? Long haired black lab? Fuzzy doggo butt? I don’t know what breed SamSam is but she is extremely cute and extremely fuzzy and likes to boop you on the leg with her nose when she doesn’t feel like she’s getting her fair share of snacks. SamSam LOVES it when Declan is around because Declan is a primary floor-snack source. I love it when Declan is around because he’s just plain funny and adorable. Usually he makes me food in his play kitchen, but during this photoshoot I was introduced to candle-sniffing Declan, which is apparently his favorite Target shopping activity. He takes a candle, opens it, sniffs it extremely dramatically with a scrunched-up nose face, and then runs over to you so that you can do the same thing. He’s precious. Then he smartly puts the candle in his Target shopping cart and off he goes. These folks are truly incredible people and friends, and I’m happy to photograph them again. Oh, and if you’re looking for a dose of Dad humor, Jon runs the best Dadstagram there is.

Kid sized Target shopping cart
Kid shopping with mini Target shopping cart toy
At home Target store setup for kids
At home Target store setup for kids
At home Target store setup for kids
In-home documentary lifestyle family photography in Raleigh
In-home documentary lifestyle family photography in Raleigh
Kid serving parents food at Target store in-home
Long haired black labrador dog
At home Target store setup for kids
In-home documentary lifestyle family photography in Raleigh
Kid smelling a candle
Kid smelling a candle
Kid holding a candle out for you to smell
Lifestyle photographers in Raleigh
Kid holding out a candle for a dog to smell
Child offering you a candle
Kid putting on his socks
Parents helping child put on his shoes
Family Christmas card on porch
Family Christmas card on porch
Family Christmas card on porch outtake
Family Christmas card on porch
Kid running through the grass
Parents throwing leaves with a child in the yard
Parents throwing leaves with a child in the yard
Parents throwing leaves with a child in the yard
Dad tossing son up in the air during family photos in Raleigh
Dad tossing son up in the air during family photos in Raleigh
Kid holding a stick during Raleigh family photographs
Dog chewing on a stick in the yard
Mother and son portraits
Mom spinning toddler son around
Mom kissing toddler on the cheek
Toddler with electricity hair
Toddler holding stick
Toddler walking with his dad holding his hand
Toddler holding his dad's hand and walking
Family neighborhood walk in Raleigh
Family neighborhood walk in Raleigh
Kid sitting on Dad's shoulders
Kid sitting on Dad's shoulders
Kid sitting on Dad's shoulders
Toddler going on walk with parents
Toddler going on walk with parents
Family portraits outside in autumn
Family portraits outside in autumn
Family portraits outside in autumn
Raleigh family photographer
Raleigh family photographer
Artsy family photographers in Raleigh
Artsy family photographers in Raleigh
Kid running through his yard during family portraits
Kid running through his yard during family portraits
Toddler hugging his dad
Toddler hugging his dad
Dad carrying toddler
Raleigh family portraits in the fall
Black long haired dog with tennis ball
Black long haired dog with tennis ball
Black long haired dog with tennis ball catches ball
Black long haired dog with tennis ball
Family portrait in Raleigh with dog
Woman kisses dog in portrait
Toddler laughing on the grass
Mom carrying her son across the yard
Couple laughing with fall leaves
Black and white couple laughing
Couple laughing with the fall leaves
Kid carrying pumpkin at family photos
Kid carrying pumpkin at family photos
Kid carrying pumpkin at family photos
Kid carrying pumpkin at family photos


This beautiful family steals my heart! I photographed Flare, Tre’, and Rye a few years ago when Rye was 8 months old. Now suddenly Rye is walking, talking, has two twin brothers, and is another HUGE fan of Carolyn Scott Photography bat stickers. It was so much fun reuniting with all of them in their gorgeous home. Flare is an extremely talented interior designer who is absolutely brilliant with color schemes and design. Tre’ is a whiz with computers and gaming and has his own little command center setup, which I love and respect. Together they’ve created three incredible humans with obviously awesome fashion taste. Rye is so intelligent and kind and was a great photography assistant! Twins Era-Noel and Seol literally could not stop gazing deep into the camera for the entirety of my visit, and are clearly destined for successful modeling careers. It was so nice to finally see and hug these humans again and meet their wonderful new additions!


It is wonderful photographing people you haven’t seen in a while, especially when those people have had two children since the last time you saw them, and those two children really love your branding even though they’ve never met you or used your services, and they’ve placed your stickers all over their house. I’ve come equipped to recent sessions with two stickers: my current branding with the two fruit bats, and my old “vintage” branding that depicts two classic Halloween bats in front of a moon. Eloise and Thomas, the children of Crystal and Jason, had already placed their parents’ vintage stickers around the house. So when I tried to give another one of these to Eloise, she seemed disappointed and said, “Oh…. yeah… we already have that one,” but she was excited about the new fruit bats. But by the end of the session, Eloise had changed her tune and was suddenly requesting “four more stickers – two for me, and two for my little brother” – one of each branding design. I diligently obliged and then went back to talking to Crystal about something. When I turned around a few seconds later, I discovered both to my delight and horror that Eloise had placed all four stickers in prominent positions on her parents’ vehicles. I think I ran around stammering “I’m so sorry” repeatedly while photographing my new moving billboards with my phone. Thankfully Crystal and Jason are good sports and are okay with accidentally advertising for me for the remainder of the lifespan of their cars (or until they get some Goo Gone, whichever comes first) because they are delightful. Their children are delightful – intelligent, thoughtful, smiley little creatures. And their dog Atlas is DELIGHTFUL. All caps. Love this good old boy. Sorry about the stickers everyone, but I do smile when I go to bed at night knowing that the bats are driving around town.