I was so happy to reunite with Katy and Jereme and their two kids, who have the #1 eyelashes in the tri-state area – nay – the world. And maybe they don’t appreciate their insanely beautiful eyelashes yet but someday they will be like wow, what a gift. In the meantime, they’re breaking boards apart in taekwondo class, swinging in the backyard, showing me throw pillows in the shape of their mom’s face, jumping on couches and in cribs, playing hide and seek in the yard, and doing kid stuff where they aren’t worried about how wonderful their eyelashes are. There’s also some pretty intense/incredible smiling from Little Brother. And I got to hang out with Katy and Jereme, who are rad people with good taste in sports (baseball) and movies (Donnie Darko) and dogs (Sammy the elderly and precious Schnauzer). It’s always fun to hang out with them because they have a great sense of humor and don’t get offended when their kid only wants me to push him on the swing and not them and then proceeds to make frowny faces in all the photos where they’re pushing him on the swing because I was busy trying to photograph the family together (what can I say? I am a #1 swing pusher).