I’ve been photographing Katie and Cameron since 2012 somehow (?!) and I am forever grateful to have clients I’ve known for 11+ years! Katie’s become a good friend of mine as we’ve bonded over our love of cats together through the years. She has a strong love for animals and she and Cameron have Tuna (gray kitty), Chevy (black doggo), and Birdie (brown doggo) together, all of which are the sweetest little creatures! Now Katie and Cameron also have two kids – Grayson, who I photographed back in 2018 when he was little, and Finley, who is the latest addition. Grayson is an extremely happy-go-lucky kid. There doesn’t seem to be anything that phases or bothers him. He is just genuinely happy, smiling, and laughing constantly. He’s super active and loves climbing and wrestling and playing with the dogs, and he’s just an overall great kid. Finley is like a smaller child-version of myself. Totally and completely obsessed with cats. Has wild, untamable hair that’s always in her face. Cries easily when overheated. Likes to pick wildflowers. She is amazing and fierce and I can’t wait to see what cat-related business she starts when she grows up. Together they’re a super sweet sibling duo with incredible parents and I’m so lucky to photograph all of them again at their home. A big thanks to Katie and Cameron for sticking with me for 11+ years. That means so much to me and I appreciate and love ya’ll!