This session was so much fun. I’ve been waiting to meet sweet Maya for a while now and she did not disappoint in her adorableness. This baby is so cute. SO CUTE. One of her favorite things is intentionally falling down on her parents’ bed repeatedly, and also looking at herself in the mirror while sitting in the dog’s bed. She is just fantastic and so are her moms, who I missed so much and was so glad to reunite with! We read books and swung in hammocks and ate bananas and gave cheese to pups and rode in wagons while singing songs about riding in wagons. It was a truly hot day, so we made two brief ventures outside before we all said “nah” and stayed indoors instead. Maya kept us all smiling and laughing despite the heat and our sadness of how Succession is over. I’m so glad I got to photograph this beautiful family in their gorgeous home at this stage in their lives! Plus I learned a new song about wagons.

Did I just tag this post as Raleigh Cat Photographer? I certainly did. I only get about one cat-centric shoot per year which is super disappointing so I need to try and up my numbers. I’m so glad that Amanda and David didn’t let me down in this regard. I photographed them a few years back in downtown Raleigh but their cats were not present, so this was our attempt to rectify the catless situation. Amanda and David are also expecting (!!) so having a shoot with their cats was a lovely way to commemorate their pre-baby family with the kitties. Gillian is the short-haired tabby, and Genevieve is the long-haired beige-orange cat. Despite Gillian often looking grumpy, she was absolutely THRILLED to be the center of attention and followed me around to meow at me and ask me constantly to get her toys down off the bookshelf. She only looked grumpy when she’d be picked up because that was the only moment when she wasn’t receiving treats or killing a toy wand. Genevieve, however, is afraid of strangers, so she wasn’t thrilled with my presence, but did start to think of me as a walking treat dispenser and eventually her attitude turned from “hiding constantly under the shelf” to “I will come to within 4 feet of you and wait for you to toss a treat in my direction.” It was progress. They are both extremely sweet girls and exceptionally cute. Amanda and David are also sweet and exceptionally cute, and I had the best time reuniting with them to talk about submersibles and camera gear and bird apps. I know their baby will be a cat-lover and I’m very excited for all of them.

There’s nothing better than roaming around your backyard at dusk in the summer as kid. When you don’t have school the next day, every night is the weekend. And if you’re lucky, you have lightning bugs, s’mores, lemonade, two dogs, enormous trees, a giant river, and some friends who join you for a game of Ghost in the Graveyard. I could not have been happier to capture such an evening up in Roanoke Rapids with this beautiful family! It was the perfect night and I went home happily smelling of campfires and deet. I went up to photograph Sasha and Brandon, who have the most beautiful property overlooking a huge and beautiful river where Brandon likes to fish. Sometimes he’s joined by Cooper, who alternates between fishing and swinging in a hammock and goofing around with his younger sister Everly. Cooper and Everly are super great kids. They were a total joy to photograph – both camera hams, both friendly and fun, both SO sweet to me and welcoming. Everly loves doing cartwheels and running around. Both older kids love taking care of Isla, the youngest, who follows both of them like a hawk (well, maybe a little bit slower than a hawk because she likes to wear her older brother’s Crocs and then kind of carefully teeter through the yard). All three kids love hanging out at the river enjoying s’mores and time with their parents and dogs. While we didn’t catch any fish, we did catch some lightning bugs and some great memories on camera (okay that was kind of cheesy but it was a fun night).