Vivi // At Four Years

The triumphant return of Vivi! This is our third year (year one, year two) documenting this adorable little girl as she runs around parks and picks up every stick she can find. We don’t pose her, but rather just follow her around as she picks up sticks, uses them as reindeer antlers, and then runs up a hill as fast as she can to find yet another stick. This year she recognized us and talked a ton, and I threatened to steal her cat boots on more than one occasion. I also showed her pictures of our cats on my phone because little kids are a great captive audience and I will talk to anyone willing to listen about our cats. She danced, played air guitar and jumped.

Vivi is less into turning every single doorknob this year, and more into hiding behind lamp posts. She still likes to make a run for all spots of potentially poisonous plants, but this year also added a literal hives of bees to her repertoire of things she really, really wants to play with. Vivi also finally gave us her opinions on Star Wars this year (she doesn’t like Chewbacca). However, her parents quickly debunked her statements (she does like Chewbacca). She buried a seed this year (I have no idea what was planted), and was curious about every bird house. Rocking chairs and porch steps are still a favorite (glad to see some things don’t change). Vivi is one of our very favorite clients, not only because the session can literally go anywhere Vivi takes us (it’s her world, we are just living in it), but also because it gives me much needed cardio since she runs full tilt for the majority of the time. THOSE CAT BOOTS THOUGH.

Kei and Justin have been dating for almost four years and wanted to capture some pictures of themselves and their relationship right now, just as it is, for no reason other than they love each other and want to remember this time in their lives. So they booked us for a session and we met them in a park a few days after Hurricane Matthew (our original lakeside location had be completely wiped out in a massive flood). Kei is an early childhood education teacher and Justin is in law enforcement, but despite Justin being a police officer, he’s just as light-hearted and sweet as Kei is, and together they’re two seriously kind people. They are really cuddly, really cute, and love each other a ton. And you kind of can’t help but get wrapped into their adorable looooove!

Although they went to the same high school, they didn’t actually get to know each other until Kei started working in the floral section of Harris Teeter, and Justin would go grocery shopping and stare at her while he ate the fruit samples (yesssss, such a good meeting story). They both really like kid’s movies (Up, Hotel Transylvania, the Good Dinosaur) and we encouraged them to look into the Last Unicorn although it’s crazy depressing (sorry in advance!).  And we ran around the park discussing good and bad television shows and our jobs and how spiders are the absolute worst. In the end, with everyone rushing them to get married already, they wanted to do some Ring Pop engagement photos as a response to the pressure. She then ate her ring and went home. :D

We can finally put “shot a wedding in an actual hurricane” on our photography resume now. Prior to this day we had gotten up to Tropical Storm level, but nothing quite like this. The brunt of the rain and wind from the outer bands of Hurricane Matthew started landing in the Triangle area a couple hours before we were to start photographing, and we ran out to Target and bought ourselves some rain boots shortly before we arrived (which saved our butts all day, but especially when I stepped into a surprise sink hole of mud that went up to my knee). We had umbrellas, but they didn’t do a heck of a lot against the sideways rain. I had my backup camera on my hip for about 3 minutes in the rain during the first look, and it died shortly after (along with shorting out our 50mm, which recovered later after drying out). The rest of our gear was in rain sleeves and soldiered on, but still got pretty wet. Needless to say, Geoff and I got VERY wet, but we did bring backup clothes for the reception. :D

Obviously, it’s physically and mentally trying to photograph a wedding in a hurricane, but I’m pretty sure it’s even more physically and mentally trying to have your OWN wedding in a hurricane after planning for months and months and months and then a stupid storm comes and blows all your plans into itsy bitsy pieces. I’m pretty sure I would’ve cried. A lot. Crystal and Jason did not. Like our cameras, it was like they had rain sleeves for their SOULS that were weather resistant (wow, what am I writing?). They did not complain. They did not cry. They did not pitch one single fit. They were champions. They walked through puddles in high heels and suits in sideways rain. They took almost all of their pictures inside a mining themed barn with dirt floors and lots of places to fake-mine for gems because it was the only dry place. As Crystal said, “I did not choose a mining theme for my wedding; it chose me.” Crystal’s dress was covered in water and mud the likes of which I haven’t seen in my eight year wedding career, but she seriously did not complain once. They smiled. They danced. They got married. They hugged their dog Atlas (equipped with an adorable orange rain coat).

I think it’s 100% safe to say that if the first day of your marriage involves you being outside in a hurricane taking pictures in mining hats and covered in mud, your marriage should definitely last. It’s like the Ikea test, only more hardcore. And it was a sight to behold. Congratulations, Crystal+Jason… may the rain sleeves on your soul continue to protect your positive attitudes for the rest of your lives.

  • Date: October 8, 2016
  • Ceremony + Reception Venue: 1870 Farm // Chapel Hill, NC
  • First Dance Song: “By the Way They Dance” – Jump Little Children
  • Crystal’s Occupation: Coordinator of programs & events for UNC’s Program in the Humanities, Pilates instructor, KIND ambassador and enthusiast.
  • Jason’s Occupation: Non Profit Communications, community organizer, distillery owner .
  • How You Met: We were both on campus at Gettysburg College for the Volunteer Leadership Summit. At the VLS opening dinner and reception, Jason wandered away from his table to go find one of his former professors, Buzz Myers. Jason found Buzz, and interrupted a robust dinner table conversation that included Crystal and our Maid of Honor, Anna Jordan.  To Crystal’s surprise, Anna vouched that that Jason was a quality human and introduced us the next day.  We planned and led a service trip together to New Orleans for and with other Gettysburg alumni.  Then we fell in love.  Then we got married.
  • Interesting Fact: Jason can clap with one hand.  We both love dogs.  We will have nine.  Crystal stock piles gifts year round for her giftatorium, and is an excellent gift giver.
  • Honeymoon: New Zealand, maybe/ideally.  More financially realistically, California.
  • Vendor Credits: Officiant –Dr. Steven Gimbel, PhD, Professor of Philosophy at Gettsyburg College. DJ – Nick Neptune of Good Times Assurance Co. Florist – Chapel Hill Florist. Pumpkin Spice Cake – Courtney Andress. Chocolate Cake – Mary Cleary. Mini Cupcakes – Maya Gergen. Caterer – Farmer’s Table Restaurant Group. Videographer – Dogwood Media. Coordinator – Rachel Feldman. Makeup –  Julie Robbins Makeup. Hair – Alexis Ethredge Icaza of Bacio Salon.