It’s been 2.5 years since Christie+Noel got married and they decided to do some anniversary photos! We think anniversary photos are great because they’re all about documenting you without the pressure of OMG A WEDDING or OMG MY MAKEUP or OMG SAVE THE DATES and generally everyone is significantly more chill. Pretty sure Christie and Noel would’ve been chill anyway, but no one is anywhere near as chill as Matlock. Matlock is their adopted lab-mix dog. He’s huge (possibly mixed with some Great Dane? Mastiff? Godzilla Dog?)His bark sounds like he’s the size of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. I’m pretty sure I could ride him around like a small horse and my feet would only have a 50/50 shot of touching the ground. When you actually meet him, though, he is the sweetest dog in the worrrrld and you can tell, if he had opposable thumbs and could also negotiate on your behalf, that he’d do anything for you. Matlock enjoys belly rubs, being incredibly clingy to his parents, and hiding his tennis ball underneath the house where you cannot take it from him, ever ever.

Christie and Noel enjoy Matlock and each other and good television and traveling. Together we ran around and talked to some ducks and got Christie repeatedly tangled in her plaid blanket/scarf that I proceeded to wear the entire time they weren’t using it because it was cold. All of the leaves in the Raleigh/Durham area should have been gone by this point in the year (this shoot was on November 20th), but due to the extreme drought we’ve been having, they hung on for this session, which is probably one of our most colorful leafy sessions to date. We had the best time getting to know these guys and their large furchild. Happy anniversary to two beautiful people!

We were so thrilled with this chillaxed Saturday afternoon brunchtastic wedding. There were cute dogs and Home Alone and I got to ride standing in the back of a golf cart to go see a cute horse. And that was just one hour into the day. The rest of the day involved a very wonderfully creepy historical museum on a beautiful plot of land during the most idyllic day of the fall in North Carolina. Meaghan’s dress was one of my all-time favorite wedding dresses (BHLDN) and I threatened to steal it several times. She looked gorgeous. Alex was also looking mighty handsome in our first ever maroon groom suit jacket which we definitely need to see more of. They’re several cars ahead of everyone on the east coast fashion train, and that’s how we like ’em. Then we made them stand in front of strange wallpapers and old pianos and graveyards and had the best day ever.

In addition to being cute, they’re also lovely and hilarious human beings whose company we thoroughly enjoyed. And despite me walking through this graveyard for their pictures, I don’t appear to be haunted yet (knock on wood!) so that’s a plus. The graveyard is of the family of the first guy who brought plaid to the U.S. Yes, plaid! It’s like a graveyard for lumberjacks and Scotsmen. Everything was so fall and so southern charm and had such a hint of mild spookiness that I wanted to roll around in all of the magnificent Magnolia leaves and absorbbbb the wedding. But that wouldn’t be social acceptable, so I just took pictures of it. Also, Peter Lamb the Wolves were there, and they’re our favorite jazz band and we just adore working with them. IT WAS THE PERFECT DAY.

  • Date: November 19, 2016
  • Ceremony + Reception Venue: Alamance Historical Museum // Burlington, NC
  • Afterparty: Whiskey Kitchen // Raleigh, NC
  • First Dance Song: “La Vie en Rose” – Performed by Peter Lamb and the Wolves
  • Meaghan’s Occupation: Brand manager for Luxury Brand Partners
  • Alex’s Occupation: Field Technology Specialist for FedEx Office
  • How You Met: Alex was my neighbor when I first moved to Raleigh from South Florida.  I needed jumper cables. He didn’t have any but soon after there was a set on my car with a cute note.  The rest is history…
  • Interesting Fact: Alex has a hidden talent of being an amazing origami artist. Meaghan can not fold origami lol.
  • Honeymoon: Boone, NC.
  • Vendor Credits: Officiant – Rev. Kathie McCutcheon. Jazz Band – Peter Lamb and the Wolves. Florist – Pamela J. Watts. Macaron Tower – Annelore’s Bakery. Caterer – Michelle’s Kitchen. Hair/Makeup – Stephanie Sevilla of The Make-up Culture. Coordinator – Chad Clayton of Boy Friday Events. Wedding dress – BHLDN

A little ditty… ’bout JEFF AND DIANEEEE (sorry guys, I had to. It pops in my mind every time I think of either one of you.) We became friends with Jeff and Diane through our other friends Beth and David! We knew them from little get togethers and what not, and then spent a week with them in St. John when Beth and David got married. We got sunburned and drank some tasty tropical drinks and played board games and hung out in hot tubs and gave zero $&#*s. And for those of you who hear my often-repeated warning story about how you should always wear a lifejacket when you snorkel, this is the “other Jeff” who was snorkeling with Geoff and me during my near-death experience! Besides being good at tropical vacationing, Jeff is really, really good at identifying lots of obscure bands and beer, and Diane is really, really good at making crafts and cookies. She can sew like a crazy woman, and her skills are much admired far and wide. Then we went to their house to meet their daughter Cora, and found out that all of Diane’s family can sew like crazy women and are ALL really, really good at crafts. Cora, while absolutely adorable in every possible way, is not good at sewing yet because she’s not even two and you shouldn’t given needles to toddlers. She is, however, really good at swings, riding in wagons, and applying sprinkles to cookies. It is Diane’s family tradition to go insane regarding the amount and variety of Christmas cookies they produce every year, and this year Cora participated happily with Diane’s sister and her kids (Toby the dog was also really happy about this because Cora’s fine motor skills are still developing so she drops a lot of food and Toby swoops in like the cutest little garbage disposal you’ve ever seen). We’re sure as she gets older that Cora will become most excellent at both crafts and craft beer, making both of her parents very proud.